David and Goliath (1981)

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Original title David and Goliath
Country of production GDR
original language German
Publishing year 1981
length 6 minutes
Director Sabine Meienreis
script Sabine Meienreis
production DEFA studio for animated films
music Thomas Ehricht
camera Hans Moser
Thomas Rosié
cut Anita Uebe

David and Goliath is a mixture of cartoon and flat-figure film by the DEFA studio for cartoons by Sabine Meienreis from 1981 .


In this workshop film, the subject of " David and Goliath " is examined by varying the structure, shape and color. The correspondence with each other is represented by the movement of different fabrics, materials and collage-like elements with the music


David and Goliath was filmed on ORWO-Color , a performance in the GDR cannot be proven. The film was not shown to the public until April 21, 1990 at the International West German Short Film Festival .

Marion Rasche was responsible for the dramaturgy , the animation was in the hands of Sabine Meienreis and Steffi Bluhm .

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