Denis Ivanovich Fonwisin

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Denis Ivanovich Fonwisin

Denis Iwanowitsch Fonwisin (German Dennis von Wiesen , Russian Денис Иванович Фонвизин , scientific transliteration Denis Ivanovič Fonvizin ; * April 3 jul. / April 14,  1745 greg. In Moscow ; † December 1 jul. / December 12,  1792 greg. in Saint Petersburg ) was a Russian satirist and comedy poet.

The family coat of arms of the Fonwisin


He was the son of Ivan Andrejewitsch Fonwisin (1705–1785), a German-born landowner of an aristocratic family in Livonia , whose last name was Von Wiesen before being Russified . The father was from 1766 on the State Council and member of the State Audit Office of the University ( Государственная ревизион-коллегия) , from 1783 also a member of the Government Council. Denis Ivanovich Fonwisin received a careful education and later also entered the civil service. In his first comedy The Brigadier (1769) he criticized the poor education and immorality of the civil servants and the lower nobility as well as the Gallomania of the younger generation. When Denis Diderot was traveling through Russia from 1773 to 1774 , he met him. He seems to have been influenced by his works in his further work.

In the years 1777/1778 he traveled abroad. One of his main goals was the medical faculty of the University of Montpellier . He described his impressions in the Lettres de France .

In 1782 he completed his main work, the comedy "Der Landjunker" ( Недоросль ), directed against the raw, uneducated land nobility , which aroused great enthusiasm when it was performed in the same year. It was the first Russian drama with a progressive political tendency. The images of serfdom , created with great satirical power, were understood as social indictment.

After a polemic directed against Catherine the Great , the poet was forbidden from any further literary activity. With his works, Fonwisin reformed the Russian literary language and paved the way for 19th century realism in poetry, drama and prose .

In addition to Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov , he was a pioneer and leading literary representative of the Russian Enlightenment from the end of the 1760s .

Works (selection)

  • Le Brigadier , comédie (1769), satire de la gallomanie en Russie
  • Lettres de France (1777–1778)
  • Le Mineur , comédie (1782)
  • Essai de dictionnaire russe des synonymes (1783)


  • Barbara Gobrecht: Analysis of today's reception conditions for successful European comedies from the 18th century. Especially the Jeu de l'amour et du hasard from Marivaux. European University Theses, Series 13, French Language and Literature 203, Lang, Frankfurt am Main u. a. 1995, ISBN 3-631-48519-0 .
  • Peter Hiller: DI Fonvizin and PA Plavil'scikov. A chapter in Russian theater history in the 18th century. Slavic contributions 189, Sagner, Munich 1985, ISBN 3-87690-324-6 .
  • Marvin Kantor: Dramatic works of DI Fonvizin. Lang, Bern a. a. 1974, ISBN 3-261-01425-3 .
  • Charles A. Moser: Denis Fonvizin. Twayne's world authors series 560 Russia, Twayne Publishers, Boston 1979, ISBN 0-8057-6402-X .
  • Reuel K. Wilson: The literary travelogue. A comparative study with special relevance to Russian literature from Fonvizin to Pushkin. Nijhoff, The Hague 1973
  • Erhard Hexelschneider: Europe and Russia in contemporary travelogues from Fonwisin to A. Turgenjew . In: Russia & Europe. Historical and cultural aspects of a problem of the century. Rosa Luxemburg-Verein, Leipzig 1995 ISBN 3-929994-44-5 , pp. 49-64

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Фонвизин Сергей Иванович (1860-1935), поручик в отставке, коллежский советник, писатель.
  2. ^ David Patterson: Fonvizin's Nedorosl 'as a Russian Representative of the Genre sérieux. Comparative Literature Studies Vol. 14, No. 3 (Sep., 1977), pp. 196-204.