The buzzard above us

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The buzzard above us
Radio play from Germany
Year of production 1962
Duration 40'15 min
production SWF / NDR
author Margarete Jehn
Director Peter Schulze-Rohr
music Peter Zwetkoff

The Bussard Above Us is a radio play by Margarete Jehn . The joint production by SWF and NDR received the 1964 radio play award of the war blind . The radio play music was written by Peter Zwetkoff and directed by Peter Schulze-Rohr . In 1965, a new version of the radio play with the music of Siegfried Matthus and directed by Fritz Göhler was created on the radio of the GDR . In 1967, the Austrian production by Robert Casapiccola followed .


The radio play merges dream visions with real events, but the fable is simple and clear: A small group of children are frightened in an aerial warfare , a Russian prisoner takes away their fear with his balalaika play . Despite ideological drills, the children do not see him as the enemy, they are attached to him, and when he is moved to a large camp “across the river”, they follow him and drown. But this fable is sublimated and exaggerated in a very peculiar, sensitive way. A denatured sandman, for example - a sign that our dreams have changed and must be different - presses the children with the fears and the strict rules of those years, but what the children learn to babble does not penetrate them, they do not know the enemy. The radio play interweaves different levels of experience in an original way with the children's song , with balalaika sounds and contrasting acoustic elements.


The war blind radio play award for 1964 was awarded to the young writer Margarete Jehn, who lives in Beckedorf near Bremen, for her first radio play The Buzzard about us . The jury that met at the Saarbrücken radio station voted for this joint production by Südwestfunk and Norddeutscher Rundfunk , which was first broadcast in January 1963, with 15 out of 18 votes . The debate recently focused on the radio plays Kreuzverhör by Rolf Schroers (Radio Bremen) and Der Sprachkursus by Hermann Moers (Süddeutscher Rundfunk).

“Margarete Jehn's radio play - truly a radio poem - convinces with its linguistic and imaginative imagination, with which hatred and war distress are reduced to absurdity in children's experiences. With surprisingly poetic means, the author depicts the overcoming of horror and fear through loving attention to one's neighbor, without playing down the horror. The text was put together under the direction of Peter Schulze-Rohr and with the music by Peter Zwetkoff to form an excellent compositional unit that can only be achieved with the possibilities of broadcasting. "

- Quote from the reasons given by the radio play jury

The award of the war blind radio play prize to a previously unknown author made the prize more popular. All the daily and weekly magazines reported in detail about the event. Excerpts from the award ceremony were broadcast on the Tagesschau and today . The Bussard über uns is now one of the most broadcast German-language radio plays - in three different productions (FRG, GDR and Austria).

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