The warrior's path

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Original title The warrior's path
Country of production Germany , Switzerland , Italy
original language German , Spanish
Publishing year 2008
length 86 minutes
Director Andreas Pichler
script Andreas Pichler
production Thomas Tielsch
music Paul Lemp
camera Susanne Schüle
cut Marzia Mete

The Path of the Warrior is a documentary film by the director Andreas Pichler from 2008. It tells the life of the young clergyman Michael Nothdurfter , who took part in the guerrilla war in Bolivia in the 1980s . The film tries to show how Michael Nothdufter , who comes from South Tyrol , is becoming increasingly radicalized. As a prospective priest, inspired by liberation theology , he wants to fight against misery and poverty. Ultimately, he joins a left guerrilla movement. After an industrialist was taken hostage, he was shot trying to escape.

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