The preacher and catechist

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The Preacher and Catechist (subtitle: Practical Catholic magazine for the proclamation of the faith ; Abbreviation: PuK) was published in 1850 under the title: The Preacher and Catechet. A practical Catholic monthly, founded especially for preachers and catechists in the countryside and in smaller towns , making it Germany's oldest sermon magazine.


The magazine was first published by Georg Joseph Manz in Regensburg. In 1936 the publisher Erich Wewel took over the sermon magazine. In 1938, PuK was banned by the Gestapo and could not be relocated until 1949. The editor-in-chief was the priest Andreas Gruber (1915–1997) since 1949. Today the issues appear every two months at Schwabenverlag AG in Ostfildern. The respective year is identical to the church year. In 1978 the magazine had a circulation of 15,200 copies.


Each issue contains finished sermons and reading sermons for the individual Sundays and public holidays in the annual cycle. There are also the sections “Meditation”, “The Subject” and casual sermons .

editorial staff

The editorial team currently has five members (Thomas Luksch, Siegfried Kleymann, Theresia Reischl, Peter Seul, and Jürgen Werbick ).


Frequent employees include Heribert Arens , Konrad Baumgartner , Willi Hoffsümmer , Ludwig Mödl , Franz-Josef Ortkemper , Theodor Seidl and Heribert Wahl . Dieter Katte , Anton Kner and Sigisbert Kraft used to belong to the circle of frequent employees.

Web link

supporting documents

  1. The Preacher and Catechist, No. 1/2011, p. 1.
  2. Leaflet from 1938 published by Erich Wewel : “By order of the Secret State Police Office in Berlin and in agreement with the Reich Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda , the journal“ Der Prediger und Katechet ”is based on § 1 of the Regulation of the Reich President for the Protection of the People and State banned from February 28, 1933 (RG BI.I p. 83). Issue 8/9 may not be delivered, Issues 11 and 12 of the current year cannot appear due to the ban. The publisher asks to await further notifications. In September 1938. 88th year. Erich Wewel publishing house. Krailling in front of Munich "( Meinolf Wewel archive )
  3. The Preacher and Catechist, No. 1/2011, p. 166.
  4. The Preacher and Catechist 117 (1978) 1.