The Breathing God - Journey to the Origin of Modern Yoga

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Original title The Breathing God - Journey to the Origin of Modern Yoga
Country of production Germany , India
original language German , English , Hindi
Publishing year 2012
length 105 minutes
Age rating FSK 0
Director Jan Schmidt-Garre
script Jan Schmidt-Garre
production Marieke Schroeder ,
Jan Schmidt-Garre
music Tony Longworth
camera Diethard Prengel
cut Gaby Kull New Year

The Breathing God - Journey to the Origin of Modern Yoga is a documentary by Jan Schmidt-Garre , which deals with the question "Where does yoga come from, how did it come about?" It premiered in Germany on January 5, 2012.

Schmidt-Garre approaches the topic by visiting students and children of T. Krishnamacharya , the father of modern yoga. Numerous historical black and white photos of Krishnamacharya and his students give further insights into the beginnings of modern yoga - including recordings of yoga presentations for the Maharajah Krishna Raja Wadiyar IV. This Maharajah of Mysore opened a yoga school which Krishnamacharya directed.

In the first part of the film, Schmidt-Garre K. Pattabhi interviewed Jois , a master student of Krishnamacharya who died while filming. The film also shows the director's yoga efforts, who is given a Shirsasana (yoga headstand ) practice lesson from BKS Iyengar . The - now deceased - Iyengar was brother-in-law and student of Krishnamacharya, as well as the founder of Iyengar Yoga . As a teacher of Yehudi Menuhin , he made yoga socially acceptable in the West. Krishnamacharya's second daughter Alamelu Sheshadri also has a say. She says "Yoga means concentration to the limit of the possible". At the end of the film, an image of the god Narasimha is shown in the lotus position . This breathing god inspired the title of the documentary.


“In the film, Schmidt-Garre repeatedly points out that his view is that of a Westerner who looks at the yoga tradition from the outside. He deposited the film with western classical sounds like Rimsky-Korsakov's wonderful Hindu song from the opera 'Sadko'. 'The Breathing God' becomes an unexplained yet atmospherically coherent documentary that is neither clichéd nor pretends to be able to take a look at yoga from within. "

- Margarete Semenowicz :

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Release certificate for The Breathing God - Journey to the Origin of Modern Yoga . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry , September 2011 (PDF; test number: 129 579 K).
  2. The Breathing God - Journey to the Origin of Modern Yoga on