The last employee

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Original title The last employee
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2011
length 88 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Alexander Adolph
script Alexander Adolph
production Mischa Hofmann ,
Philip Voges ,
Alban Rehnitz,
Lucas Schmidt
music Dieter Schleip
camera Jutta Pohlmann
cut Christel Suckow

The last employee is a horror film produced in 2010, directed by Alexander Adolph , who was also responsible for the script. The film was produced in cooperation with ZDF and Arte and appeared in the series Das kleine Fernsehspiel . The film opened in cinemas on October 27, 2011.


The lawyer David Böttcher takes on an unpopular new job after three years of unemployment and a reasonably overcome mental illness. As a liquidator, he is supposed to dissolve an insolvent company. He notifies all employees of their dismissal. As he is very empathetic, he also takes comforting care of Mrs. Bloch's employee, who remains desperate and apathetic as the last to stay at her workplace. When he later drives her home, but politely declines an invitation for coffee, the situation escalates: Out of defiance and anger, Ms. Blochs bangs her head against the dashboard for so long that Böttcher fears she would harm herself. To appease her, he leaves her his card. But in the following days she begins to pursue him. Nocturnal calls, sudden appearances at work or in private, force Böttcher to decide to seek a clarifying conversation. When he tries to find Mrs. Blochs in her apartment, he finds her hanged.

For Böttcher, the following working days in the abandoned office are marked by mysterious events. These begin with flickering lights, disturbed radio reception and inexplicably opened or closed doors. Increasingly, however, he began to see Frau Blochs everywhere. First of all, he blames his unstable mental state and the stressful work for him. But even a therapist cannot help him, on the contrary. When he met the company owner Dr. Manz informs him of his resignation, he informs him that Ms. Blochs had already been dead eight days before Böttcher found her hanged in her apartment. Long before he started his work and even knew it. Böttcher comes to the conclusion that something evil would live in these offices. After Böttcher's departure, Manz blinds himself with two fountain pens.

Böttcher's mother-in-law Greta, who always opposed him, seems to have suspected something. After all, she got him that job too. But when he visits her, he finds her banging her head against the wall herself to the death. Now all that remains for him is to protect his wife and son. Nevertheless, he is drawn to the office one last time. When his wife wants to pick him up there, he refuses briskly. After leaving, he grabs a box knife and slits his own throat with it. After his death, Mrs. Blochs appears next to his ghost with the question of whether he is ready to be trained.


The last employee was named Best Picture at the Leeds Film Festival 2010 . At the Festival Internacional de Cine de Horror in Mexico in 2011 he also received the award for Best Film , and Adolph for Best Director . Christian Berkel was also honored as Best Actor at the Fantaspoa Film Fest Brasil in 2011 .


“Very creepy film that impressively proves that a German director is really good when he doesn't copy, but simply is himself. Adolph mixed the typically dry German narrative style with that of the modern ghost film. He wrapped his fear-inducing story in a shell reminiscent of a “crime scene”. With this stylistic device and very naturally acting actors it comes to the fact that the hair on the neck of the viewer stands on more and more often. "

- Walter Truck : VIRUS

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. VIRUS, edition 50, 01/2013, page 85