Detlev Möller

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Detlev Möller at the Mauna Loa Observatory (Hawaii) in front of the Keeling building: measurement of CO 2 since 1958 (2004)

Detlev Möller (born May 30, 1947 in Berlin ) is a German atmospheric chemist and university professor .

Life and career

Detlev Möller , son of a merchant shipping officer (until 1945) and later teacher of Russian and astronomy, graduated from the Heinrich-Hertz-Oberschule in Berlin-Adlershof in 1965 (special class mathematics from 1963) with parallel training as a chemical technician in former "VEB Berlin-Chemie". From 1965 to 1969, he studied chemistry at the Humboldt University of Berlin (HUB) with specialization in physical chemistry (with Karl-Heinz Heckner and Rolf Landsberg ), graduating with a Diploma in Chemistry (grade of "excellent"). In the subsequent research studies (doctoral position) he obtained his doctorate in 1972. rer. nat. with a topic on the electrochemical behavior of hydroxylamine and the electrode kinetics of irreversible processes.

From 1972 to 1974 he was a scientific assistant in the field of analytical chemistry (with Günter Henrion ) and in 1974 moved to the Academy of Sciences of the GDR (AdW) as a research assistant at the “Research Center for Environmental Design” (FUG) in the working group “Forest Ecosystems / Eco Modeling Dübener Heide ". Here he began to be interested in air pollution and atmospheric chemistry (propagation and conversion of sulfur dioxide) in 1975 and completed his habilitation in 1982 on the subject of the “sulfur cycle” (with Hans-Günther Däßler , Karlheinz Lohs and Wolfgang Böhme ).

In 1977 the FUG was transferred to the Institute for Geography and Geoecology (IGG) of the AdW (Berlin) as the "Ecological-Economic Systems" division. Here he worked in the working group "Ecological and economic effects of energy production (Cottbus)". His work related to the relationship between NH 3 and SO 2 in the atmosphere. In 1983 he became head of the working group "Geo-ecological material flows" with a focus on "acid rain" and "tree death" as well as "flue gas desulphurisation". In 1984 he gave the first public lecture in the GDR on "Acid Rain" together with Wolfgang Rolle and Wolfgang Marquardt : "Acid Precipitation - Education and Assessment".

In 1986 the working group “Geoecological Material Flows” was transferred to the Heinrich Hertz Institute for Geomagnetism and Atmospheric Research (HHI) at the AdW (Berlin). Here he became head of the “Deposition Processes” working group in the “Ground Layer” department (deputy head of the department of Joachim Neisser ). This was also the beginning of work on the modeling of raindrop and precipitation chemistry (with Günther Mauersberger ), on the parameterization of the dry deposition for EULER's dispersion models (with Klaus Worbs ) as commissioned research by the Meteorological Service of the GDR ( Karl-Heinz Bernhardt ), on the development of Laboratories for the analysis of gaseous and dissolved trace substances as well as the beginning of development work for a PC-controlled precipitation collector (with Wolfgang Wieprecht ), study of the acidity / alkalinity of rainwater, work on the chloride cycle and the NH 3 balance of the GDR, on the role of radicals and H 2 O 2 for new types of forest damage. Since 1988 modeling of chemical processes in rain and clouds (with Günther Mauersberger ), development of a simple denuder for NH 3 measurement (with Karin Acker ) and our own IC analysis (with Renate Auel ).

From 1988 to 1992, lectures on atmospheric chemistry followed at the Physics section of the HUB for the departments of meteorology and geography. 1990 Head of the "Atmospheric Chemistry" department at HHI. In 1991 and 1992 a cloud chemical research station Brocken ([[Harz (Mittelgebirge) <Harz]]) was set up and operated until 2010 (with Wolfgang Wieprecht , Dieter Kalaß , Jürgen Hofmeister ). On December 31, 1992 the dissolution ("winding up") of the AdW was completed, and at the same time its activities in this scientific institution ended.

From 1991 to 1996 he held the lectures on "Atmospheric Chemistry" at the Institute for Meteorology at the Free University of Berlin (FUB). From 1992 to 1994 he was head of the branch office for air chemistry (ELC) of the Fraunhofer Institute for Atmospheric Environmental Research Garmisch-Partenkirchen (FUG; head: Wolfgang Seiler ) in Berlin-Adlershof and head of the “cloud chemistry” department. In 1993 he started lecturing at the Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus (BTU); at the same time began his studies on summer smog (tropospheric ozone) and O3 multiphase chemistry.

1994 Re-habilitation at the Free University of Berlin (FUB) with Karin Labitzke , Department of Geosciences, for Dr. rer. nat. habil. (Meteorology); Appointment as private lecturer . In November 1994 he was offered the C4 professorship for air chemistry and air pollution control at the BTU, Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Process Engineering.

From 1995 to 2012 he held the chair for air chemistry and air pollution control in Cottbus. His research during this time included studies on summer smog (tropospheric ozone) and on the multiphase chemistry of ozone and hydrogen peroxide; Field measurement campaigns on cloud chemistry, dust pollution, reactive gases (nitrous acid, nitric acid, ammonia, hydrogen chloride); Continuation of the precipitation chemical measurement series "Seehausen" until 2002. From 1999 to 2005, work was carried out to remove fog, then until 2012 to work on water treatment (photocatalytic ozonation). From 2012 to 2020 he was "visiting research professor" at the BTU, and from 2015 onwards he was honorary.

Since 2005 Möller has also been concerned with the history of atmospheric chemistry.

Research stays

  • 1985 three-month stay at the Institute for Atmospheric Physics with Ernö Mészáros in Budapest (Hungary).
  • 1989 three-month stay in the Soviet Union at various institutes in the field of atmospheric research (Moscow, Leningrad, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Tallinn, Vilnius, Odessa, among others with Alexey Ryaboshapko, Mark Evsejewitsch Berlyand, Rimma Lavrinenko, Eugen Genikhovitsch, Jan Saar, Wladimir Medinetz) .
  • 1995 Six weeks in China, invited as Senior Research Advisor by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
  • 1999 two months as a visiting professor at the University of Paris-12 (LISA) with Pascal Perros.
  • 2005 two-month research stay as a visiting professor at Saitama University Japan at the invitation of the prefecture as a specialist in air pollution control.

Memberships and honors (selection)

  • 1976–1991 appointed member of the “Central Working Group Keeping the Air Clean” in the Chamber of Technology (AG (Z) / KdT); 1976–1980 participation in the specialist working group (FAG) "Agriculture and Forestry"; 1981–1991 Chairman of FAG “Atmospheric Chemistry”.
  • 1983 election (in absentia) to the "Commission of Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution (CACGP)" of the IAMAP; Re-elections in 1988 (absent) and 1990 (when first present in Chamrousse, France).
  • 1986–1990 appointed member of the Scientific Council of the GDR for the main research area “Atmospheric Research and Geomagnetism” in the “Environmental Monitoring” working group and responsible for the “Atmospheric Chemistry” project.
  • 1989–1991 appointed member of the GDR National Committee for SCOPE at the AdW.
  • 1990–2010 member of the "European Association for the Science of Air Pollution (EURASAP)"; 1990 election to the management committee; 1992 election as vice-president.
  • 1990–1992 Appointed member (expert) in the German EUROTRAC committee at the BMFT .
  • 1996–2002 appointed member of the Advisory Board of the International Ecological Center Warsaw (at the Polish Academy of Sciences).
  • 1996–2002 appointed member of the Advisory Board of the Air Pollution Control Commission (KRdL) in the VDI and DIN , member of the VDI specialist commission “Environmental Measurement Technology”.
  • 1997 elected member of the Leibniz Society of Sciences in Berlin .
  • 1998–2002 appointed member and expert for cloud chemistry of the "WMO EC Panel / Working Group for Physics and Chemistry of Clouds and Weather Modification in liaison with EC Panel / Working Group for Environmental Pollution and Atmospheric Chemistry".
  • 2003 external member of the academy of non-profit science in Erfurt .
  • 2010 honorary member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences .


Möller has written over 240 scientific publications in books, compilations, encyclopedias and magazines and has registered more than 10 patents.

Books and monographs

Selected book chapters

  • The global biogeochemical sulfur cycle. In: Technology and environmental protection. Vol. 31 Environmental protection in agriculture and forestry. Deutscher Verlag für Grundstofftindustrie, Leipzig 1985, pp. 35–65.
  • Interactions between global material cycles. In: H. Neumeister (Hrsg.): Geoökologie. G. Fischer Verlag, Jena 1988, pp. 95-101.
  • Möller, D. and G. Mauersberger: Modeling of cloud water chemistry in polluted air. In: S.-E. Schwartz and WGN Slinn (Eds.): Precipitation Scavenging and Atmosphere-Surface Exchange, Vol. 1. Hemisphere Publ. Corp., Washington (USA) 1992, pp. 551-562.
  • Sulfate aerosol and their atmospheric precursors. In: RJ Charlson and J. Heintzenberg (eds.): Aeorosol Forcing of Climate. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 1995, pp. 73-90.
  • Cloud processes in the troposphere. In: J. Delmas (Ed.): Ice Core Studies of Global Biogeochemical Cycles. Springer 1995, pp. 47-71.
  • Global sulfur and nitrogen biogeochemical cycles. In: CF Boutron (Ed.): Topics in Atmospheric and Interstellar Physics and Chemistry. ERCA-Vol. 2, Les Editions de Physique, Les Ulis (France) 1996, pp. 125-156.
  • Atmospheric multiphase chemistry. In: R. Guderian (Ed.): Handbook of environmental changes and ecotoxicology, Volume 1B: Atmosphere. Springer, Berlin; Heidelberg 2000, pp. 39-146.
  • Hydrogen peroxide trends in Greenland glaciers. In: T. Munn (Hrsg.): Encyclopedia of global environmental change Vol. 1: The Earth's system: physical and chemical dimensions of global environmental change (Hrsg. MC MacCracken and JSPerry). J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester 2002, pp. 447-450.
  • Rethinking the tropospheric ozone problem. In: SS Chicherin (Ed.): Problems of Atmospheric Boundary-layer Physics and Air Pollution - To the 80th Birthday of Professor ME Berlyand. Hydrometeoizdat, St. Petersburg 2002, pp. 252-269.
  • The water cycle. In: R. Zellner (Ed.): Chemistry above the clouds. WILEY-VCH Verlag, Weinheim 2011, pp. 129–132.
  • Le brouillard dans la “science des météores”, depuis l'Antiquité jusqu'à l'époque modern. In: K. Becker and O. Leplatre (eds.): La brume et le brouillard dans la science, la littérature et le art. Hermann, Paris 2014, 574 pp.
  • On the history of fog research. In: I. Kästner and J. Kiefer (eds.): Comets, Windhosen, Hailstones and Weather Balloons - Contributions to the History of Meteorology. Shaker Verlag, Aachen 2014, pp. 169–198.
  • Towards a global sustainable chemistry. In: Shuppan (Ed.): Science View - Invitation to Biology. Tokyo 2015, pp. 326–327 (new edition 2019).
  • Möller, D. and W. Oelßner: Environmental CO2 Monitoring. In: G. Gerlach, U. Guth and W. Oelßner (Eds.): Carbon Dioxide Sensing. Fundamentals, Principles, and Applications. WILEY-VCH Verlag, Weinheim 2019, pp. 275-328.


  • BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg, Faculty 2, work area air chemistry and air pollution control, Prof. Dr. Detlev Möller - [1]
  • Leibniz Society of Sciences in Berlin, membership - [2]
  • Academy of Charitable Sciences in Erfurt, membership - [3]
  • Atmospheric chemistry - an air pollution control instrument or an applied chemistry discipline? - [4]
  • The chemical climate - [5]

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Detlev Möller: About the electrochemical behavior of hydroxylamine on the rotating Pt disk electrode - taking into account general considerations on the electrode kinetics of irreversible processes. Dissertation, Humboldt University Berlin, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Berlin 1972.
  2. Detlev Möller: On the investigation of the atmospheric sulfur cycle under the influence of anthropogenic activities. Habilitation thesis (dissertation B), Academy of Sciences of the GDR, Berlin 1982.