Karlheinz Lohs

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Karlheinz Lohs (born  August 23, 1929 in Annaberg ; †  June 26, 1996 in Leipzig ) was a German chemist and toxicologist . He worked as an expert on chemical warfare agents and from 1965 to 1970 headed the Berlin-Buch- based Institute for Biophysics of the German Academy of Sciences in Berlin (DAW), which later became the Academy of Sciences of the GDR , and from 1970 to 1990 the research center for chemicals Toxicology at the Leipzig Academy.


Karlheinz Lohs was born in Annaberg in 1929 and, after training as a chemical laboratory assistant, initially worked in the district hospital in his hometown. After being on the preliminary study Institute in Chemnitz 1948, the high school had acquired, he graduated from 1948 to 1952 to study chemistry at the University of Leipzig . He then worked as a research assistant at the Wolfen paint factory . He received his doctorate in 1955 on a topic from synthetic organic chemistry at Leipzig University, where he also received his habilitation in 1962 with a thesis on phosphoric acid esters . From 1958 to 1965 he acted as director of the state-owned company chemical-technical laboratories.

In 1965 he was appointed professor by the German Academy of Sciences in Berlin (DAW), which later became the Academy of Sciences of the GDR . In the same year he took over the management of the Institute for Biophysics, which is part of the Academy's Research Association and is based in Berlin-Buch . In 1970 he moved back to Leipzig, where he was head of the Academy's research center for chemical toxicology until 1990. In addition, he worked as a consultant from 1970 and from 1980 to 1990 as a member of the board of directors of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute . From 1981 to 1990 he was Vice President of Urania . After the political change in the GDR and German reunification , he worked as a research assistant in a waste disposal and renovation company in Letmathe until retirement in 1994 . He died in Leipzig in 1996.

Scientific work

The main focus of Karlheinz Lohs' scientific interest was the development of methods and devices for the detection, defense and elimination of environmental pollutants and chemical warfare agents . In addition, he dealt with the history of chemistry and toxicology.


Karlheinz Lohs was accepted as a corresponding member in 1970 and two years later as a full member of the Academy of Sciences of the GDR. The Martin Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg made him an honorary doctorate in 1986 . In 1984 he received the August Kekulé Medal from the Chemical Society of the GDR . He was also awarded the Patriotic Order of Merit in silver in 1985 and the Star of Friendship of Nations in gold in 1989.

Publications (selection)

  • Detection and detection of chemical warfare agents: Introduction to the qualitative analysis of chemical warfare agents. Berlin 1964
  • Synthetic poisons: chemistry, effects and military importance. Berlin 1958, 1963, 1967, 1974
  • Acute poisoning: Guide to toxicological emergencies. Jena 1966, 1970, 1971, 1974, 1975, 1981, 1988, 1990 (as co-editor)
  • Herbert Meißner , Karlheinz Lohs (ed.): Disarmament, science, responsibility. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1978
  • Herbert Meißner , Karlheinz Lohs (ed.): Science and peace. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1982
  • Detoxification and destruction of chemical warfare agents. Berlin 1983
  • Herbert Meißner , Karlheinz Lohs (ed.): Peace without an alternative. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1985.
  • with Dieter Martinetz and Jörg Lanzen: incense and myrrh. Cultural history and economic importance; Botany, chemistry, medicine. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart 1989, ISBN 978-3-8047-1019-1
  • Toxicology: introduction, problems, trends. Berlin 1987, Stuttgart and Jena 1992 (as co-editor)
  • Specialized lexicon of toxicology. Landsberg 1999, Berlin and Heidelberg 2009 (as co-author)


Individual evidence

  1. Berliner Zeitung , October 3, 1985, p. 6
  2. Neues Deutschland , April 28, 1989, p. 3

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