German Association for Art History

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The German Association for Art Studies eV , based in Berlin, is an association founded in 1908 to initiate and promote research and publications on art in German-speaking countries.

History and goals

The association was founded, inspired by the example of the Monumenta Germaniae Historica , on the initiative of Wilhelm von Bode and Friedrich Althoff in Berlin. The initial goal was the project of a corpus work on German art ( Corpus monumentorum artis Germaniae , Monuments of German Art ). Today's statutes (as of October 2000) define the association's task as “unselfish promotion of scientific research into art historical monuments”, especially “monuments of German art”. The original plan for the corpus work was implemented over the course of time in the context of more manageable individual series on selected art genres, epochs or individual artists. Since 1964, most of these writings have been published by the Deutsches Verlag für Kunstwissenschaft , which was originally founded as a cooperation with Gebr. Mann Verlag for this purpose:

In addition to the book series, numerous individual publications appear, some of which are given to the members of the association as regular annual editions . Since 1934, the association has published the journal of the German Association for Art Research ( ISSN  0044-2135 ) as a publication organ . In addition, since 1933/34 the literature on German art ( ZDB -ID 161364-9 ) has been published as a specialist bibliography , which has only been published in electronic form since 2003. Both the yearbook and the bibliography were mentioned as early as 1907 in Wilhelm von Bode's first concept for the planned association.

Since 2011, the German Association for Art History has organized the Forum Art of the Middle Ages every two years .

The association (currently with around 800 members) is today the second large association of art historians in Germany , alongside the Association of German Art Historians founded in 1948 . Since 1968, the left-wing Ulm Association, which is understood as an association of mid-level faculty and the student body , has existed as the third art-historical association.



  • Wilhelm von Bode : The German association for art history. In: Internationale Wochenschrift für Wissenschaft, Kunst und Technik , Volume 1, 1907, Sp. 1069-1074 (issue of November 23, 1907).
  • Robert Suckale : One hundred years of the German Association for Art History. Reflections on history and future. In: Kunstchronik , Volume 61, 2008, pp. 127–131.
  • Rainer Kahsnitz: Work and Goal. The German Association for Art History 1908-2010. In: Kulturreport. Quarterly issues of the Central German Cultural Council , Issue 67, 2011, pp. 6–9.
  • Wolfgang Augustyn : How the "Monuments of German Art" came about. A contribution to the early history of the German Association for Art History. In: Journal of the German Association for Art Research, Volume 64, 2010, pp. 325–352.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wilhelm von Bode : The German association for art history. In: Internationale Wochenschrift für Wissenschaft, Kunst und Technik , Volume 1 (1907), Sp. 1069-1074 (issue of November 23, 1907), here Sp. 1069f: "There is no lack of art associations, including scientific art associations, in Germany; rather The majority of such associations could be perceived as a deficiency. [...] The new German Association for Art History [...] has little in common with the goals of those older associations. It wants something different, something completely new, something new not just for Germany, but also abroad. "
  2. ^ Wilhelm von Bode : The German Association for Art History (1907) quoted, Sp. 1073.
  3. At the end of the Second World War , the association even had around 7,500 members, cf. Robert Suckale : One hundred years of the German Association for Art History. Reflections on history and future. In: Kunstchronik , Volume 61 (2008), pp. 127–131, here p. 130.

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