Diane Duane

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Diane Duane and Charles Stross in Dublin

Diane Elizabeth Duane (born May 18, 1952 in New York City , New York ) is an American science fiction and fantasy writer and screenwriter. In Germany she is best known for her Star Trek novels , which have also been translated into German. The second focus of her work is the “Young Wizards” series (nine volumes so far).


Diane Duane spent her childhood and youth on Long Island in the New York suburb of Roosevelt. After high school, she trained as a nurse and after graduating in 1974 worked as a nurse for two years. In 1976 she moved to California and worked there until 1978 as assistant to screenwriter and writer David Gerrold . In 1979 her first novel Door Into Fire was published by Dell Books. Since then she has published around 40 novels and written various TV scripts (including for the series Star Trek - The Next Generation ). She has lived in Ireland with her Northern Irish husband, the writer Peter Morwood , since 1988 .



Star Trek

So far, only a few Star Trek novels by Diane Duane have been published in German.

With the exception of “Dunkler Spiegel” ( TNG ), all books are part of the first Star Trek series ( TOS ).

The Rihannsu novels shed light on the background of Romulan society in the Star Trek universe. The background story differs from the one that is later presented in TNG.


Diane Duane's “Magic World” develops a complex fantastic world based on the reality we know. In it, sorcery is a science made accessible to selected individuals by the god-like Powers That Be . With the magical language The Speech , magicians can not only communicate with all living beings, but also modify matter, time and energy.

The Young Wizards series revolves around the experiences of the American teenage magicians Kit and Nita and (since High Wizardry) their sister Dairine. So far there are no German translations, but some volumes have been translated into Finnish, Dutch and Russian.

Sorcery is not limited to humans. Wizards also have different types of animals, including cats, to which Duane dedicates a trilogy.

An alternate universe, mentioned in the first volume of Young Wizards, sets the framework for another novel:

In addition to the novels, Duane has also published various stories from the world of Wizards, most recently the story Theobroma in the anthology Wizards, Inc. , edited by Martin Harry Greenberg and Loren L. Coleman , 2007, ISBN 0-7564-0439-8 .

The Middle Kingdoms ( saga of the middle kingdoms )

With her first published novel, The Door into Fire , Diane Duane began a still unfinished high fantasy series , also published as the Tale of the Five . The books have some points of contact with the Wizards works, but are clearly aimed at an adult audience due to the explicit sexual representations. The fourth and final volume is in the works, according to Duane.


Duane has authored novels for several other franchises including Spider-Man , X-Men and SeaQuest DSV . She is also the author of various comics (especially Star Trek) and has published numerous short stories from her work areas.


Diane Duane has been a screenwriter for around 20 years and has written scripts for various TV films and episodes of TV series. These include some episodes of series such as DuckTales and Transformers, which are also known in Germany . Perhaps her best-known work is the script, written together with Michael Reaves , for one of the first episodes of Raumschiff Enterprise - The next century with the German title The Traveler .

Together with her husband and Uli Edel , she wrote the screenplay for the successful Sat.1 mini-series Die Nibelungen , which was broadcast in 2004.

In 1996 she wrote the storyline for the game Privateer 2 - The Darkening from the Wing Commander series .

Online activities

Diane Duane's homepage offers detailed information on curriculum vitae and bibliography as well as various interactive services. She publishes irregular entries in her blog and provides information about private experiences and her book projects. A discussion forum and a chat room have been set up especially for Young Wizards fans.

In addition, two books that have not yet been published are currently being published online, chapter by chapter. While A Wizard of Mars (Young Wizards Volume 9, so far four chapters) is only available to subscribers, The Big Meow (so far six chapters) can also be accessed free of charge with a time delay.

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