Didymodon cordatus

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Didymodon cordatus
Didymodon cordatus (a, 153845-482535) 5932.JPG

Didymodon cordatus

Class : Bryopsida
Subclass : Dicranidae
Order : Pottiales
Family : Pottiaceae
Genre : Didymodon
Type : Didymodon cordatus
Scientific name
Didymodon cordatus

Didymodon cordatus ( Herzblättriges double toothed Moss ) is a moss -Art from the family pottiaceae . A common synonym is Barbula cordata (Jur.) Braithw.


The moss forms loose, easily disintegrating, brown-green to dirty-green lawns. The little branched stems are up to 3 centimeters in size. The leaves are dry and slightly twisted, moist to upright. They have a broad, egg-shaped base, briefly pointed, hollow. The edges are rolled back wide along the entire length. The noticeably broad vein with short hexagonal cells on the upper side usually emerges as a short spiked tip.

The more or less thick-walled leaf cells are short rectangular to square at the base, not hyaline, in the upper part of the leaf round, square and 6 to 9 micrometers in size.

Sporophytes are unknown. The vegetative reproduction takes place through rounded, multicellular, brown brood bodies , these are formed in large numbers in the leaf axils.

Location requirements

Didymodon cordatus grows in dry, warm, lime-rich locations, often on wall crowns and joints, on rock banks, and also on sunny loess walls of hollow walls or embankments.


The moss is a warmth-loving, sub-Mediterranean flora element and is particularly widespread in Europe in the southern and central parts, occurs only very scattered and is absent in some areas. In Northern Europe it is completely absent. There are other occurrences in Southwest and Northeast Asia.


Web links

Commons : Didymodon cordatus  - album with pictures, videos and audio files