The Kiebitzensteiner

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Die Kiebitzensteiner , complete with the addition of Satirisches Theater der Stadt Halle , is a cabaret based in Halle (Saale) that was founded in 1967 in the GDR .


In Halle (Saale) there were already attempts to establish a cabaret in the 1960s, but neither the “Bell” nor the “Tiefsehbohrer” succeeded. In 1967 Henry Braun, Irmgard Braun-Trautmann, Karlheinz Loehmke and Rolf Thieme finally founded what was then the fifth professional cabaret in the GDR. All were seasoned theater people; they had to adapt to the new form of presentation. Braun took over the business and artistic management . The name "Kiebitzensteiner" is derived from the most famous landmark of the city, the Giebichenstein Castle . The facility was opened on October 20, 1967. The first program was called The Good Man from Next Door , musically accompanied by Hans Joachim Wenzel. At first there were performances twice a week. In 1968 a core team consisting of Braun and Braun-Trautmann as well as Siegfried Köhler and Horst Sonntag emerged. The latter brought experience from the failed cabaret attempts. Subsequently, Sigmar Schramm and Karin Kellermann were added for a time, and from 1975 Joachim Wenke. The seventh program, entitled Girren is Humanly Marked, marked the breakthrough for cabaret in 1970 with 109 performances in front of 21,000 visitors. The new productions were no longer determined by the point in time when the audience's approval decreased, so longer preparation times were possible, which reduced the adoption of foreign texts. After the Halle Puppet Theater , which had housed the cabaret as a “subtenant”, was destroyed by fire, the “Kiebitzsteiner” received the Moritzburg round hall as a venue . The hall in a late medieval tower offered space for 175 visitors. The foyer was located in the basement. In 1973 the “Kiebitzsteiner” collective was awarded the city of Halle's art prize. Henry Braun received this honor again in 1977 as an individual. Particularly successful programs of this time, in which the ensemble remained extremely stable, were Spottakiade in 1972 and In 1973 We Have Young People Behind Us .

In 1974, the previous musical director, Joachim Seidel, who joined in 1969, was replaced by the Handel Prize winner of 1964, Wolfgang Hudy. In 1975 the cabaret received a dramaturge planning position, which was filled with Wolfgang Schrader. Heinz Helm, who had already been writing for the group for a long time, became an in-house author in 1977. The external contributors also included Hans-Joachim Lotze, Peter Seidel, Gunter Antrak and Dietrich Knak. Our Ze (h) ntralschaffe has the "ten" in it, because this program was put together for the tenth anniversary.

In 1979 Siegfried Köhler died and shortly afterwards Henry Braun. The management was passed on to "Irm" Braun-Trautmann, and the special thirties program was carried out. Gabriele and Helmut Reichhardt, Klaus Reichenbach and Arndt-Michael Schade joined the ensemble . In the autumn of 1981, the 1981/82 season began with a new management: Hannelore Renner took over the management and Horst Günther took over the artistic direction. Ralf Novak was welcomed as a new addition .

Before the fall of the Berlin Wall, Rolf-Jürgen Voigt took over the management. The "Kiebitzensteiner" owed the performance of programs that were threatened with prohibition to his persistence towards the SED party leadership. He also managed to stage “Loriot” sketches in negotiations with Vicco von Bülow . Under his aegis, the cabaret then moved into new premises in the reunified Germany in Ankerstrasse , a shopping arcade.

At times Nuri Feldmann, Anna Kureck, Gabi Müller, Silke Nawrodi, Ines Paulke , Constanze Röder, Susanne Schwab, Horst Günther, Christian Gutowski, Andreas Neugeboren, Hartmut Tietz and Oliver Vogt belonged to the ensemble.

Numerous night programs were offered, including The world is round, because that's what it's there for ( Erich Kästner , 1989), I'm always on the wrong train ( Friedrich Hollaender , 1996), huge nonsense. Laughing with Karl Valentin (2016). In 1995, the first "Humor and Satire Festival" was also held under the title We afford ourselves what .

The current ensemble (as of 2020) consists of Stephanie Hottinger, Micha Kost, Barbara Zinn , Axel Gärtner , Klaus Dieter Bange, Antje Poser, Lydia Roscher, Annett Buchinski, Reiner Schock, Malte Georgi, Albrecht Wiegner and Klaus Reichenbach.

Programs (if determined)

  • 1967: The good person next door
  • 1968: Halle is also worth its prices
  • 1969: Discretion - not our business
  • 1969: Follow me, medals
  • 1970: Chess on the move
  • 1970: Girren is human
  • 1971: The classic (H) legacy
  • 1971: The core of the matter
  • 1972: Spottakiade
  • 1973: A spring fairy tale
  • 1973: We have the youth behind us
  • 1974: looking back ahead
  • 1975: Denk-Mal-Care
  • 1975: Honestly drives the longest
  • 1976: You're served
  • 1977: Our Ze (h) ntralschaffe
  • 1978: A laughing lesson
  • 1979: Thirties
  • 1980: With timpani and money
  • 1981: With 80 things
  • 1981: A little bit
  • 1982: We infest
  • 1982: Forensics
  • 1983: watch out for time detonators
  • 1984: The small differences live long
  • 1985: When we fight side by side
  • 1986: The marx of life
  • 1987: where are we striving?
  • 1987: 2000 and your power
  • 1988: No time comrades
  • 1989: Don't plead tiredness
  • 1990: survival time
  • 1990: We'll bat the mouse
  • 1991: In the wild east
  • 1991: Who are we?
  • 2018: Political football and satirical tips
  • 2019: Cabaret mix 2019


  • Priceless, but for sale. 25 years of the Kiebitzensteiner. Metrix, Halle (Saale) 1992 (1 compact cassette ).

Individual evidence

  1. a b Horst Jahns: Everyday life on Sunday. A portrait of a cabaret artist . In: Ernst Günther, Heinz P. Hofmann, Walter Rösler (eds.): Cassette. An almanac for the stage, podium and ring (=  cassette ). No. 6 . Henschelverlag Art and Society, Berlin 1982, p. 238-241 .
  2. a b c d e f g h i Wolfgang Schrader: A "fifteen" with the "Kiebitzensteiners". Conversation with Irmgard Braun-Trautmann, one of the founding members of the “Kiebitzensteiner” / Chronicle of the “Kiebitzensteiner” . In: Ernst Günther, Heinz P. Hofmann, Walter Rösler (eds.): Cassette. An almanac for the stage, podium and ring (=  cassette ). No. 6 . Henschelverlag Art and Society, Berlin 1982, p. 233-237 .
  3. ^ A b c d e Klaus Budzinski, Reinhard Hippen: Metzler-Kabarett-Lexikon . Verlag JB Metzler, Stuttgart / Weimar 1996, ISBN 3-476-01448-7 , Die Kiebitzensteiner, p. 187 f .
  4. Ralf Novak. Information. In: Retrieved May 30, 2020 .
  5. a b Micha Kost: Obituary Rolf Voigt. Rolf Voigt died on October 18, 2019 at the age of 81. In: Retrieved May 30, 2020 .
  6. Oliver Vogt. Cabaret. In: Retrieved May 30, 2020 .

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