The extraterrestrial visitors

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German title The extraterrestrial visitors
Original title Los nuevos extraterrestres
Country of production Spain
original language Spanish
Publishing year 1983
length 84 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Juan Piquer Simón
script Joaquín Grau
Juan Piquer Simón
production Dick Randall
music Michael Demer
Librado Pastor
(as Libra Pastor )
camera Juan Mariné
Ricardo Navarrete
cut Antonio Gimeno

The extraterrestrial visitors (original title: Los nuevos extraterrestres , literally “The new extraterrestrials”) is a Spanish science fiction film that Juan Piquer Simón directed in 1983. In the original title and story, it shows parallels to the previous year ET - The Extra-Terrestrial . The German-language premiere was on video, the DVD evaluation under the title Return of ET


Three poachers attempt to steal eagle eggs during a storm one night in the Cedar National Forest. Meanwhile, little Tommy Stevens, who lives nearby and has a pet collection, wakes up at home and watches through a telescope a UFO crash in the nearby forest. The three poachers also notice this. One of the poachers drives the car to the crash site, where he finds several alien eggs, which he gradually destroys. A full-grown alien survived the crash and kills him. The other two poachers are uncomfortable with the whole thing. They wait for the night. The next day, Tommy finds the poacher's body and takes the only intact egg from the flying object home.

Singer Rick drives with his singers Kathy, Tracy and Sharon, who is also his girlfriend, the studio colleague Brian and the pushy female fan Laura in the motor home to the Cedar National Forest, where they want to spend the weekend together. Once there, they first go looking for wood and shortly afterwards sit by the campfire, where a conversation between Laura and Rick's girlfriend escalates. Laura goes into the forest to calm down and meets the two poachers who attack her. She flees from them, meets the alien and falls down a slope. Laura's scream does not go unheard around the campfire. Rick and Brian find Laura dead shortly afterwards. Everyone drives the motor home to the nearest house of Molly Stevens, Tommy's mother and his uncle Bill, to call for help from there, but the phone line doesn't work. The two poachers now meet the alien in the forest. The attempt to catch it fails.

Little Tommy, who took the egg to sleep with him, wakes up from the noise and listens at the door. When he is about to go back to bed, a furry creature has slipped from the egg. Tommy befriends the little creature and gives him the name "Trompi". It uses its trunk to drink milk and eat peanuts. It grows up in no time, so Tommy hides it from the adults.

The next morning, the young alien looks around Tommy's room. Tommy teaches him a puzzle game, although Trompi doesn't seem to see the point at first. With its unusual powers, however, it moves the pieces into a complete puzzle in seconds. Trompi also masters a music game very quickly. Brian and Tommy's uncle Bill drive to the nearby rangers, while Trompi shows Tommy more of his unfamiliar skills. Tommy's mother takes notice and comes into the room. She takes Tommy with her. When he goes back to his room shortly afterwards, Trompi has disappeared. Tommy's uncle and Brian arrive at the ranger's house. They find one of the poachers dead there. Brian is suddenly attacked and killed by the adult alien. Tommy's uncle escapes in the car.

Tommy is still looking for Trompi in the house. Tracy goes outside to the RV while Tommy is searching the area through the telescope. He hears her screams and shortly after she flies out of the mobile home dead, the full-grown alien follows and continues towards the forest. Tommy thinks he saw Trompi and follows him into the woods. His uncle Bill, who is just arriving again, shoots the fleeing alien.

The shots also startle Rick and Tommy's mother in the house, so they run outside. Together they carry the dead Tracy into the house. Tommy returns from the forest shortly afterwards and is sent by his mother to his room, where Trompi reappears. Trompi explains to the boy that there is still a being like him. Tommy wants to go into the forest and disguises Trompi. The other alien has already entered the house and surprises Kathy in the bathroom. The screams alert the others. Bill Stevens shoots again at the alien, which escapes. However, Kathy can no longer be saved. Tommy is called by his mother, who quickly hides Trompi. She brings this to the others who are currently thinking about pursuing the alien. The boy tries to explain to the adults that the creatures are not dangerous. Nobody wants to believe him. Bill and Rick go outside to hunt the alien. Trompi has followed the boy and is suddenly in the hallway. While Sharon is shocked, Tommy's mother reacts and wants to shoot the young alien. Tommy stands protectively in front of the creature and escapes with him through the front door. The mother and Sharon follow them into the misty forest. Tommy loses Trompi on the way and meets the adult alien. Full of fear, he calls for Trompi and his mother. Bill and Rick also hear his call and rush to help. The young alien and the adult alien collide. Tommy indicates to the adult alien that he just wants to help him. Bill and Rick arrive. Rick hesitates to shoot, Bill is prevented by Tommy, who stands in front of the aliens again. But the adult alien recognizes the shooter from before, angrily pushes Tommy aside and attacks Bill.

Meanwhile, Tommy flees again with Trompi. Tommy no longer sees his uncle being killed. Rick shoots the adult alien. Shortly afterwards, Sharon and Tommy's mother arrive. They're looking for Tommy together. Only Rick sees how Tommy says goodbye to Trompi crying. Trompi disappears into the woods.


"One would have wished for (...) a little more care: That an ET who masters telepathy and telekinesis (...) moves with the clumsiness of a dancing bear and has to fight off enemies with his bare hands, is certainly not the last word" , think Ronald M. Hahn / Volker Jansen and note that the special effects were fatally reminiscent of puppet cartoons from the 1950s.


  • In the German first edition on video, Susan Bequer appears in the opening credits as Susan Blake .
  • The German front cover of the DVD edition of Best Entertainment from 2008 has nothing to do with the content of the film.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Das Lexikon des Science Fiction Films, Volume 1, Munich 1997, pp. 81f.