The Blue Hour (radio broadcast)

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The blue hour
Serdar Somuncu
Radio show from Berlin
publication June 8, 2016–
production Radio One
Moderation Serdar Somuncu

The blue hour is a Sunday radio broadcast of the Berlin-Brandenburg radio in the tradition of Thomas Mann's German listeners! (1941-1946). After a test broadcast on June 8, 2016, it finally went on air on September 11, 2016 and has been broadcast on Radio Eins on Sundays from 4 to 6 p.m. ever since . Serdar Somuncu is the host of the direct follow-up program to Sanft & Sorgfaltig (2012-2016) with Jan Böhmermann and Olli Schulz .

The blue hour is also offered as a podcast . In the iTunes podcast charts, this regularly takes top positions.


The blue hour will be moderated by Radio Eins station voice Ulrike Kapfer . Their correct pronunciation of the name of the host entices them to revel in and daydream over and over again in the course of the program.

The signature music of the program is the chanson A Blue Hour by Rudolf and Herbert Nelson (text) and Franz Grothe (music), interpreted by Greta Keller . “Serdar Somuncu chose this title to convey that mood when twilight turns into darkness. It is precisely this mixture of thoughtful melancholy and worry about the powerful black wind that should make up the character of the show, ”said Tagesspiegel about the choice of the show's title .


In the monologue and dialogue with the listener, Somuncu often deals with the current political situation in Germany in a humorous, sometimes even bitterly serious manner - not without addressing warning words to his compatriots or even violently (on a meta level) offend. On the other hand, he also touches on topics of the boulevard or everyday life, which he dissects, analyzes and comments just as sharp-tongued. Thematically, the moderator relies on absolute diversity and a broad horizon, which is also reflected in the music selection he makes. "No ringelpiez to touch" or "closely watched" is how the producing broadcaster advertises the format.

Conceptually, the blue hour is similarly open. For example, the presenter recites Rainer Maria Rilke's Autumn Day in full in one program , while in another he demonstrates the effect of absolute silence over a longer distance, only to call on the next, as the insane leader of his own religious community, to to make him Federal Chancellor (in fact, Somuncu was a candidate for Chancellor of the Party for Labor, Rule of Law, Animal Welfare, Elite Promotion and grassroots initiative in 2017 ).

Sometimes the program is pre-produced, sometimes it is broadcast live. In the latter case, the audience has the option of 'call-in'. A program with studio guest ( Oliver Polak ) was first broadcast on October 9, 2016. Further studio guests followed with MC Rene and Retrogott , Achim Hagemann , Sandra Rieß , Simon Gosejohann , Kurt Krömer , Manfred Lütz , Marcel Reif and Antje Vollmer . There was a first best-of compilation on October 23, 2016. The artist also uses some programs to answer listener mail .


The predecessors Somuncus on the broadcasting slot (Schulz and Böhmermann) called episode 16 of their new format Fest & Flauschig from October 2, 2016 The Blue Hour and also addressed the new program. Somuncu, for his part, paid tribute to the "two stupid Germans" by including them in his choice of music in the first editions.

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