The blue hours

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German title The blue hours
Original title After Love - The blue hours
Country of production Austria
original language German
Publishing year 2015
length 72 min minutes
Age rating FSK / JMK -
Director Marc Iago
script Marc Iago
production Georg Eggenfellner
music Boris Valentinitsch, Robert Schwarz
camera Gabriel Krajanek
cut Georg Eggenfellner

The blue hour is a neo-noir - Drama directed by Marc Jago from the year 2015. The main roles are Sven Dolinski (Ben), Tanja Petrovsky (June) and Wilson Gonzalez Ochsenknecht to see (Jean), other roles are played by Merab Ninidze and Andreas Patton . The film music was composed by Robert Schwarz and Boris Valentinitsch. "The Blue Hours" is the title for the German-speaking area.



The film was produced by NonPlus Filmproduktion in Vienna. The budget of the film, which was shot in 25 days, was initially 20,000 euros. A further 3,000 euros were raised through crowdfunding before post-production . Despite the small amount of money, well-known actors could be won for the independent production. The elaborate costume design was made possible through cooperation with the designers Ute Ploier, Ferrari Zöchling and Superrated.

The world premiere was celebrated as part of the 36th Max-Ophüls-Preis film festival, the cinema premiere took place on September 26th and was accompanied by an exhibition of film stills . The official cinema release was on October 2, 2015 in Vienna, further distribution was carried out by Waystone Film Filmverleih . The film was shown in selected Austrian cinemas for three weeks.

“The blue hours” inspired the cover image of the 56th issue of “Antifame” of Vangardist magazine, for which Wilson Gonzalez Ochsenknecht and Tanja Petrovsky were shot by photographer Michael Dürr .


The film was positively received by the critics, special mention was made of the precise picture composition and the dense atmosphere of the film. The audience discussed the film in a very controversial manner, the moral ambivalence and the stylized staging had a very polarizing effect on the judgment.

"With striking cinematography in high contrast black-and-white and an eerie, haunting electronic score -a style calling to mind David Lynch's Eraserhead by way of Fassbinder and the French New Wave - director Marc Jago creates a moody and dreamlike world for his characters to inhabit, in this unforgettable and impressive feature film debut. "

- Joe Bowman, frameline 39

“Philosophical dialogues about the truth of human relationships beyond love and morality set clear accents in the film. The components of film noir, slow camera work, fashion and unusual background music make this work extremely artistic and worth seeing - an independent film at its best that is sure to split opinions. But once you look, you just can't take your eyes off it. ""

- Vangardist magazine

“The viewer has to find his or her own story in this flow of images and sounds. (...) "The Blue Hours" is anything but babbling entertainment. But it is all the better that this film has found its way onto the big screen. "

- Benno Feichter, culture journal

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Alexandra Seibel: A "wild guy" of a completely different kind , interview with Wilson Gonzalez Ochsenknecht about the film The Blue Hours , from September 29, 2015, accessed on April 30, 2018
  2. ^ A b Benno Feichter: Film-Drama "The Blue Hours" , Ö1-Kulturjournal from October 2, 2015, accessed on April 30, 2018
  3. Michael Dürr: INFAMOUS LOVERS , photographs by Michael Dürr for VANGARDIST Magazine (ANTIFAME - Issue # 56), accessed on May 1, 2018
  4. Joe Bowman: North American Premiere of After Love - The Blue Hours ( Memento of the original from May 1, 2018 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Frameline39, accessed April 30, 2018 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /