Diego Ramírez de Villaescusa

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Diego Ramírez de Villaescusa or Diego Ramírez de Fuenleal (born December 7, 1459 in Villaescusa de Haro ( Province of Cuenca ), † August 11, 1537 in Cuenca ) was the chaplain and confessor of Joan the Mad and Bishop of Malaga and Cuenca .


Nothing is known about Diego Ramírez de Villaescusa's parents or family background. At the age of 19 he began his studies (rhetoric) at the University of Salamanca , where his speaking skills were recognized. He later moved to Jaén ; there he was ordained a priest in 1489. After the Christian reconquest ( reconquista ) of Granada (1492), he entered the service of the newly appointed Archbishop Hernando de Talavera . A little later he was appointed chaplain and confessor of Princess Johanna and shortly afterwards (1496) went with her entourage on a trip to Flanders, where she married her fiancé Philip the Fair . The eldest son from this marriage was the later German Emperor Karl V or the Spanish King Karl I.

In 1498, Diego Ramírez de Villaescusa was called to be Bishop of Astorga ; however, he continued his studies at the universities of Leuven and Cologne . Two years later he took over the diocese of Málaga , from where he set off again for Flanders to be present at the birth of the firstborn son Joan, to whom he possibly also gave the baptism. As Bishop of Málaga, he primarily devoted himself to fighting pirates from North Africa; in addition, in 1515 he convened a synod of bishops. Since 1512 he had been entrusted by Ferdinand II with the renewal of the discipline at the University of Salamanca. Ferdinand II also appointed him head of the royal chancellery of Valladolid in 1514 . From 1518 until his death he held the office of Bishop of Cuenca.

Construction activity

In his work as bishop he donated several hermit monasteries , the collegiate church of Antequera and the Hospital de Santo Thomé opposite the cathedral of Malaga. In Valladolid he founded the Convent of Nuestra Senora de la Paz and in Málaga a Convento Santa Clara .

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