Diether Heisig

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Diether Heisig (born December 14, 1938 ) is a German sculptor and architect .


Diether Heisig passed his Abitur in Marl in the post-war period before he received his diploma for architecture at the university there in Hanover . There he also worked until 1977 as a research assistant at the chair for modeling.

In the meantime, Heisig had formed a working group for object and urban design with Stefan Schwerdtfeger as early as 1973 . From the following year 1974 he maintained a permanent exhibition of his own work at Braunstraße 18 in Hanover under the title “Heisig's Kunststücke”.

Heisig's focus on urban design is particularly evident in public spaces in objects made of different materials and colored surface design. The thematic focus of his artistic activities is the representation of beings, spirits, people and monsters.

In 1979 Heisig had his residence and studio at Böttcherstraße 9 in Hanover.

Well-known works (selection)

Web links

Commons : Diether Heisig  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Directory of visual artists in Hanover , 1st edition 1. – 5. Thousand, ed. from the cultural office of the state capital Hanover, Hanover: Schlütersche Verlagsanstalt und Druckerei, 1979, ISBN 978-3-87706-020-9 and ISBN 3-87706-020-X , p. 79
  2. a b Helmut Knocke , Hugo Thielen : Kröpcke , as well as Niki-de-Saint-Phalle-Promenade , in Dirk Böttcher , Klaus Mlynek (ed.): Hannover. Kunst- und Kultur-Lexikon (HKuKL), new edition, 4th, updated and expanded edition, zu Klampen, Springe 2007, ISBN 978-3-934920-53-8 , pp. 163f., 173f.