Diores (son of Priam)

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Diores ( Greek  Διώρης ) is a figure in Greek mythology .

In Virgil's Aeneid , Diores is a son of Priam , who accompanied Aeneas on his journeys after the Trojan War , and brother of Amykos . Diores took part in the funeral race for Anchises , the father of Aeneas, who died in Drepanon , Sicily . He also crossed the finish line in third, but since Salius had been stolen from victory by a trick, he would have remained almost without a prize. But Aeneas decided to give Salius a special prize, and Diores won an Argive helmet for his third place.

In the last fight with the Rutulians in Latium , he was knocked off his horse by their king Turnus together with his brother. In the foot fight that followed, Turnus killed him with the lance while his brother fell by the sword. Turnus cut off both heads and hung the trophies on his chariot.

