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In dogs, discospondylitis is an infectious inflammatory change in the intervertebral space involving the articular surfaces of the neighboring vertebrae. This mostly affects older or pre-stressed dogs of all breeds and sizes. The disease is similar to spondylodiscitis that occurs in humans .

Etiology, pathogenesis

The disease is usually caused by a bacterial infection of an intervertebral disc that is spread via the blood ( hematogenous ) . The foci of infection are mostly in the urinary and sexual system , in severe skin infections , bacterial heart valve infections or can occur as a complication after surgery on the central nervous system . In addition, however, direct infection through impaled foreign bodies such as grass seeds, awns or thorns as well as injuries (e.g. bite and gunshot wounds) is also possible. The bacterial flora introduced here can be very versatile; Various staphylococci , streptococci , E. coli , clostridia , Proteus , Pasteurella multocida , pseudomonads , nocardia , enterococci and others were detected as pathogens . Certain fungi can also be considered as a much less common cause of the disease . Animals with weak immune systems are particularly susceptible to the disease.

Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

The main symptom of the disease is - often unspecific - pain, which, however, depending on its location, occurs particularly clearly with pressure or corresponding movements and can be expressed in the animal's sudden crying out. In addition, disturbances of the general condition, unwillingness to eat and fatigue as well as intermittent fever can often be observed at the beginning . At the time when the infection spreads to the entire intervertebral disc and the vertebral body, neurological failure occurs.

Depending on the extent of the damage to the spinal cord, the symptoms can range from mild to severe lameness and neurological deficits to complete paralysis behind the damage. Although the most common locations of the disease are the transition from thoracic to lumbar spine , anterior lumbar spine, middle thoracic spine, transition lumbar spine to sacrum and posterior cervical spine , the disease can occur in all parts of the spine and in several places at the same time.

The diagnosis is made by x-rays of the spine; Depending on the stage of the disease, areas with signs of a breakdown of the bone substance can be detected, partially surrounded by bone growth, which is formed by the body to stabilize the lesion. In the advanced stage, the vertebral bodies may slip towards one another with subluxation . In the blood count, increased neutrophil granulocytes including a left shift can often be detected. When germs break into the central nervous system, bacteria can also be detected in the brain water .

A myelography is often additionally performed in order to exclude a herniated disc or vertebral fracture. By computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging , the most reliable statements about the extent of the damage can be made.

The methods of treating discospondylitis depend on the extent of the disease. If the diagnosis is confirmed, conservative therapy consists of long-term administration (over 1 to 3 months) of antibiotics. Here mostly cephalosporins , clindamycin and amoxicillin / clavulanic acid combinations are used. In addition, non-steroidal anti - inflammatory drugs are used to combat pain . The pathogen can be isolated from the inflammation focus via puncture and cultivated in the laboratory to create an antibiogram . Since the infection was usually introduced through the blood, a detailed search for the original source of the infection must often be carried out.

It takes a long time to heal. In the case of severe damage to the spine, surgical decompression can be considered in order to possibly correct neurological deficits.

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