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Djeseretanchnebti in hieroglyphics
S29 r
S34 G16

(Djeseret anch nebti)
Ḏsr.t ˁnḫ

Djeseretanchnebti (also Djeseret-anch-Nebti ) was perhaps an ancient Egyptian queen of the 3rd dynasty . However, since the name has so far been found without an express queen title , the actual assignment to historical persons of this time is controversial. There are also different readings.

Research and interpretations

Ivory tablet from the Sechemchet complex with the controversial Nebtiname (far right)

The name in question appears on several small ivory tablets found in the underground tomb galleries of the Sechemchet pyramid in Saqqara . Egyptologists like Toby Wilkinson and Zakaria Goneim read the name as "Djeser-ti" and see it as the next name of the Sechemchet. You identify him with the cartouche names "Djesierteri" and "Teti II." From the king list of Ramses II.

Wolfgang Helck, however, reads the name as "Djeseret-anch-Nebti" and suspects that this was the name of a wife of the Pharaoh Djosierteri . Peter Kaplony and Jean-Pierre Pätznik also point to finds of clay seals from Elephantine , on which the nebtin name "Hetep-Ren" appears repeatedly and alternating with the representation of Sechemchet's Horus name . Accordingly, “Hetep-Ren” would have been the actual Nebti and birth name of Sechemchet and “Djeseret-anch-Nebti” that of his wife.


  • Peter Kaplony: The inscriptions of the early Egyptian period . Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1963.
  • Wolfgang Helck: Investigations on the thinite time (Egyptological treatises, volume 45) . Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1987, ISBN 3-447-02677-4 .
  • Toby Wilkinson: Early Dynastic Egypt . Routledge, London / New York 1999, ISBN 0-415-18633-1 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Wolfgang Helck: Investigations on the thinite age . P. 108.
  2. Wolfgang Helck: Investigations on the thinite age . Pages 108 & 117.
  3. Zakaria Goneim: Horus Sekhemkhet . Page 21 ff .; see also Toby A. Wilkinson: Early dynastic egypt . Page 98 ff.
  4. ^ Toby Wilkinson: Early Dynastic Egypt . Page 98.
  5. Peter Kaplony: The inscriptions of the early Egyptian times . Volume 1, pages 538-540.