Dominique Mercy

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Dominique Mercy (1996)

Dominique Mercy (* 1950 in Mauzac, Dordogne ) is a French dancer and choreographer .


Dominique Mercy was accepted into the Corps de ballet des Grand Théâtre de Bordeaux at the age of 15 and trained as a classical dancer. He had his first appearances in France , from 1968 at the Paris Opera under the direction of Carolyn Carlson and also danced for Françoise Adret's then newly founded “Ballet Théâtre Contemporain”. At the “ Saratoga Dance Festival” in California in 1972 he met Pina Bausch . When she took over the management of the Tanztheater Wuppertal in the 1973/74 season , she engaged him as a member of her ensemble. Mercy danced his first leading roles in choreographies by Pina Bausch in 1974 and 1975 in the two dance operas Iphigenie auf Tauris (as Orestes) and Orpheus and Eurydice (as Orpheus). Since then, he has appeared in almost all known productions of the Wuppertal Dance Theater. After the death of Pina Bausch, he took over the artistic direction of the dance theater from October 2009 to 2013 together with Robert Sturm .

Mercy has been teaching dance at the Folkwang University in Essen since 1988 .

The daughter of Dominique Mercy and Malou Airaudo , Thusnelda Mercy (born 1977), also belongs to the ensemble of the Wuppertal dance theater.



  • Dominique Mercy danse Pina Bausch. / Dominique Mercy dances Pina Bausch. Documentation (French subtitles), France, 2003, 56 min., Script and direction: Régis Obadia, production: arte
  • Pinas dance festival in Wuppertal. Documentation, Germany, 2008, 3:01 min., A film by Martina Thöne, production: Westdeutsche Zeitung

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Iphigenia on Tauris. Dance opera in four acts by Christoph Willibald Gluck . Tanztheater Wuppertal 1974
  2. Orpheus and Eurydice. Dance opera in 4 pictures by Christoph Willibald Gluck . Wuppertal Dance Theater 1975
  3. Dominique Mercy. Dancer. In:
  4. Tabea Soergel: "The dance and the life". The dancer Thusnelda Mercy of the dance theater Wuppertal , Deutschlandfunk Kultur, April 5, 2012