Cathedral Square (Salzburg)

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The residential wing on Salzburg Cathedral Square

The Domplatz is a rectangular, all-round closed square in the old town of the city of Salzburg . It is in front of the facade of the Salzburg Cathedral . By arcades of the square with the is Residence Square , the Kapitelplatz and Franziskanergasse connected.


Auditorium in front of the cathedral facade

In the north and west are the wings of the Salzburg Residence , which were built around 1600 . After the completion of the cathedral towers around 1663, the convent wing of the St. Peter monastery on the south side was adapted to it. Under Prince Archbishop Guidobald von Thun and Hohenstein , the Domplatz received its architectural unity.

The cathedral is connected to the convent wing. It is also connected to the residence via the cathedral arches built according to plans by Giovanni Antonio Dario . From 2005 to 2014, a museum tour through the buildings on Domplatz was set up for the DomQuartier Salzburg .

On September 30, 1810, the unification of Salzburg with Bavaria took place on Domplatz . After the Salzburg officials were sworn in on the Bavarian state, the occupation patent was read out to the assembled population from the balcony of the residence.

Ever since 1920, Jedermann has been performed on Domplatz as part of the Salzburg Festival . Together with Residenzplatz, it is also used for the annual Christmas market .

Marian column

The Marian column

The statue of Immaculata forms the center of the cathedral square. It was built by Prince Archbishop Sigismund III. Christoph von Schrattenbach was commissioned by the brothers Wolfgang and Johann Baptist Hagenauer and created between 1766 and 1771. The figure is a combination of Untersberg marble (base structure, parapet) and lead casting (figures, panels, inscriptions). When designing the base, the Hagenauer brothers resorted to the model of a Marian column designed by Lucas von Hildebrand for Salzburg as early as 1711 , who in turn cited the Marian column Am Hof in Vienna.

Virgin Mary statue

The statue of the Virgin Mary can only be recognized as such with the coronation angels on the cathedral facade and the inscriptions and symbols on the base. The statue itself does not have a single attribute that would identify the figure as the Virgin Mary. When you approach the statue, you can see the perspective game of the coronation by the two angels on the facade as well as the inscription on the globe: " in conceptione / immaculata permansisti, / et nobis christum / peperisti " ("You are immaculate in conception stayed and gave birth to Christ. "). Mary is enthroned as the personification of wisdom on a globe that stands on a pillar of cloud: " I lived in the highest heights, and my throne stood on a pillar of cloud " (Ecc 24.4).

The iconographic representation refers to chapter 24 of the book Ecclesiasticus , like the inscription on the Maria-Schnee-Altar (Ecc 24,25) in the southern branch of the cathedral. At the four corners of the base are four allegories cast from lead : angel, wisdom, devil, church. The Latin inscription on the side opposite the cathedral explains the allegorical meaning of the figures:

" Deo Trino / omnipotentiæ, sapientiæ, [et] amoris / fonti, / Mariae deiparæ / Virgini sine labe conceptæ / splendidissimo / divinæ, potentiæ, sapientiæ, amoris / prodigio: / in cuius adspectu / angelorum / homellectus del sapetient, / demonum livor frendet, / ecclesia gloriatur & exultat. / S. (igismundus) A. (rchiepiscopus) P. (rinceps) [ Salisburgensis ] S. (anctae) S. (edis) A. (postolicae) L. (egatus) N. (atus) G. (ermaniae) P. (rimas) F. (ieri) F. (ecit) / MDCCLXXI. "

"To the threefold God, omnipotence, wisdom (and) source of love; the Theotokos Mary, the virgin, received without shame through the most brilliant miracle of divine power, wisdom (and) love: at the sight of which the understanding of the angels astonishes, the wisdom of People babble, the envy of demons gnashes, the church boasts and cheers. / Sigismund, Prince Archbishop [of Salzburg], born legate of the Holy Apostolic See, Primate of Germany, had (it) done. 1771. "

Relief panels

The two relief panels on the south and north side complement the allegorical connections from the book Ecclesiasticus (Chapter 24): " 5 I circled the vault of the sky alone, and in the depths of the abysses I walked. 6 Over the waves of the sea and over the I ruled the whole earth and over every people and nation "(Ecc 24,5-6).

The relief on the north side (Ecc 24.5) of the base shows the firmament ("vault of the sky") with the zodiac signs Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra (July to October) on the upper edge. The constellation of Virgo is unusually designed as a sun with a hand mirror. The mirror is a symbol for wisdom (cf. Ecc 24: Praise of Wisdom), but also refers to the invocation of Mary as "Speculum iustitiae" ("Mirror of Justice") or "Speculum sine macula" from the Lauretanian litany . The rays of the sun - instead of the constellation of the Virgin (Mary) - directly illuminate the bust of the archbishop. The mirror is also an attribute of Mary, because in her the image of God (Jesus) is mirrored. The "virgin in the sun" corresponds to the "virgin in the moon" on the south side. The sun and moon can also be seen as symbols of spiritual and worldly power. At the lower edge of the relief you can see a ship in the "waves of the sea" (Ecc 24,6). The content of the pictorial program with firmament and sea refers again to the book Ecclesiasticus: " I walked around the sky alone, I penetrated the depths of the abyss, walked on the waters of the sea " (Chap. 24: 8). All plants and animals have a symbolic character that point to Mary (rose without thorns or Rosa mystica from the Lauretanian litany), to Jesus Christ (stag beetle, snails, butterflies) and the divine omnipotence (fire salamander, magnet).

The relief on the south side (Ecc 24,6) shows the prince-archbishopric of Salzburg as a globe according to the map "SRI Principatus et Archiepiscopatus Salisburgensis" (1712) by the Nuremberg engraver Johann Baptist Homann . Above that one can see the initials of Maria in a face of the moon.

Web links

Commons : Domplatz  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The art monuments of Austria: Salzburg. Dehio-Handbuch, Verlag Anton Schroll & Co, Vienna 1986, p. 588.
  2. a b c Gerhard Ammerer : stages of power . In: DomQuartier Salzburg. More than a museum , Müry Salzmann, Salzburg / Vienna / Berlin 2014, pp. 72/73.
  3. Günther G. Bauer: " DIVAE VIRGINI SINE LABE CONCEPTA. The model of the Immaculate column based on a missing design by Lukas von Hildebrandt in the SMCA", artwork of the month (August 1988).
  4. ^ Augustine, De civitate Dei , Liber XXI, chap. 4th

Coordinates: 47 ° 47 ′ 52.5 "  N , 13 ° 2 ′ 43.2"  E