Doris Schulz

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Doris Schulz (born November 15, 1963 in Wels ) is an Austrian politician ( ÖVP ) and media woman. From 2009 to 2015 she was a member of the Upper Austrian Landtag . From May 6, 2017 to November 2019, she was the regional director of the ÖVP women in Upper Austria. From November 9, 2017 to January 29, 2020 she was a member of the Austrian Federal Council delegated by the Upper Austrian Landtag .

She works in her company Medienfrau as a media trainer, book author, presenter, PR consultant, political coach and project developer. With her second company, Edelwerkstatt GmbH, she deals with re-design, upcycling and art. Schulz is the mother of 2 children, born in 1997 and 2003, and lives in Wels.

education and profession

Schulz attended the elementary school in Wels from 1971 to 1975 and then until 1982 the Bundesrealgymnasium Wallererstraße in Wels-Neustadt . In addition, from 1982 to 1990 she studied German and history at the University of Graz . She completed her studies with the academic degree Mag. Phil. from. After completing her studies, Schulz completed part-time training at ORF, in 2005 fundraising training at VMI Switzerland, in 2009 training in process-accompanying moderation, in 2011 the supervisory board course of the state of Upper Austria at LIMAK and in 2015 the accreditation as an Insights consultant according to Scheelen.

Schulz began in 1986 as an editor for radio at ORF Steiermark and Ö1 and from 1988 was editor for radio and television at ORF Upper Austria and ORF Zentrum, 3 SAT and author for several magazines. Between 1996 and 2001 she was managing partner, production manager and editor-in-chief of the film production company TEAMWORK in Leonding , where she worked for 3 SAT, Pro 7, SAT 1 and RTL. From 2001 she developed programs for TV magazines and from 2003 wrote several narrative non-fiction books.

Schulz worked as a project developer and supervisor for organizations and associations and is active in the field of media support and coaching. In 1999 she was commissioned by the Federal Minister for Women's Affairs with the project preparation and implementation of the "Women and Girls Advice Centers EVA" for Volkshilfe Upper Austria. In 2000, as an EU-funded project, she took over the multi-part information series "What does the EU do for women." from the HC Regional Academy.

In 2001 Schulz took over the project management for the political training “More women in politics” on behalf of the women's office in Upper Austria, 1st and 2nd courses, as well as the political training for girls “Powerful Girls Go Politics”, since then leading the annual political course of the ÖVP women's movement Upper Austria until 2009. She was entrusted with the development and project management of the international girls' day of action " Girls' Day " in Upper Austria - pilot project development and support 2001 and day of action 2002 - "Daughters Benefit Opportunities - Girls' Day" from the women's office of the state of Upper Austria and hosted Girls' Day in Upper Austria until 2004. From 2004 to 2001 she ran the Medienfrau publishing house with books on women's issues, narrative non-fiction and regional history. In 2018 she developed the platform on the occasion of 100 years of women's suffrage.

For the Familienbund OÖ she took over the conception and project support for “Wels Parents School” in September 2003 as well as conception and project support until 2009 for the “Talentolino” Wels holiday program for children, which she accompanied and developed further until 2010.

From October 2002 to January 2007 employee of the public relations department for Diakonie - Zentrum Spattstraße, Linz.


Doris Schulz was a permanent employee of Upper Austria from 1992 to 1999. Veritas cultural magazine "blickpunkte", permanent employee of the women's magazine "Welt der Frau" since 1995 and took over editorial work until 2006 for "IF - Information for Women in Upper Austria", published by the Office for Women's Issues in Upper Austria

From 1996 she wrote social history articles for the yearbook and staff newspaper of the Caritas diocese of Linz, was a regular author for the current history magazine "Damals", DVA Stuttgart and led the 14-day column "Frauensache" from 2008 to 2014 in the magazine of the Neue Volksblatt.

In May 2000 she published the narrative non-fiction book “Familien-Frauen” (Family Women) at Fram Verlag Linz as the prelude to a series of books dealing with the situation of women in Austria after the turn of the millennium. In this series, the book "Medien-Frauen" was published in the same year and, on behalf of the Upper Austrian Chamber of Agriculture, the book about "Farmers - with head and heart" was published to accompany the exhibition of the same name at the Wels Fair 2000.

In April 2004 the new book appears: “Elisabeth Motsch: Career with style. Manners in business. ”At Leykam Verlag Graz, which Schulz wrote for Elisabeth Motsch and completely revised in 2014 under the title:“ Career with style. Top manners in business. ”At Trauner Verlag Linz.

Between 2006 and 2015, Doris Schulz published a series of children's books in the “MusikStars” edition of her own publishing house, Medienfrau: “Violin Concerto for Grandma” and “Flute Play with Pannen” under the musical educational accompaniment of Denise Faith and with the illustrator Ingrid Panholzer.  

2009: Doris Schulz / Gerald Polzer: 99 Frauen.Leben.OÖ. published “Women in Trend” published by Trauner Verlag Linz.

Schulz has been the head of political training for OÖVP women since 2015 and head of the cross-mentoring project with Business Upper Austria since 2016. She has made a name for herself in Austria as a speaker and lecturer specializing in women's engagement.


Schulz was the city and district chairwoman of the ÖVP Frauen Wels from 2004–2014, is the deputy head of the OÖVP Frauen and was a member of the OÖVP's regional board from 2008 to 2014. From 2008 to 2015 she was deputy party chairwoman and deputy of the Economic Association in Wels. From 2009 to 2015 she was a member of the Upper Austrian state parliament for the ÖVP and was involved in the Europe, Women and Equality and Culture committees. 2011-2016 Doris Schulz was chairwoman of the supervisory board of Messe Wels GmbH. and trade fair president of the largest trade fair company in Austria. From May 2017 she was regional director of the ÖVP Women Upper Austria. In November 2019, she resigned from this position, and the board of directors elected her first deputy, Elisabeth Spitzenberger, as interim country manager.

Doris Schulz u. a. 2001–2004 founder and spokeswoman of the women's network in the Upper Austria Press Club, 2004–2016 chairwoman of Aktion Leben Upper Austria, since 2006 deputy regional director of OÖVP women and was chairwoman of the single parenting association from 2010–2016. She is on the board of the Wels Women's Refuge, the Vfq - Association for the Qualification of Women in Linz and in the CSR Dialogue Forum. As a committed Soroptimist , she is a member and 1st Vice President of the Soroptimist Club Wels.

After the National Council election in 2017 , the Upper Austrian Federal Councilor Klaus Fürlinger moved to the National Council, which is why Doris Schulz was sent to the regional chamber by the Upper Austrian Landtag. The Federal Council mandate actually fell to the Mayor of Oberneukirchen, Josef Rathgeb , but he waived.

In November 2019 it was announced that she would be replaced by Judith Ringer as Federal Councilor at the state parliament session on January 30, 2020 .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Doris Schulz new ÖVP women chairwoman in Upper Austria . Article dated May 8, 2017, accessed July 17, 2017.
  2. a b ÖVP women: Spitzenberger replaces Schulz. In: . November 12, 2019, accessed November 12, 2019 .
  3. ^ Doris Schulz on the website of the Austrian Parliament
  4. ^ Upper Austrian news: New faces in the ÖVP and FPÖ in the parliaments . Article dated November 10, 2017, accessed November 10, 2017.
  5. ÖVP Upper Austria sets the course for personnel. In: . November 19, 2019, accessed November 19, 2019 .
  6. ↑ Governor Dr. Josef Pühringer presented decorations . State correspondence No. 243 of December 20, 2016, accessed on June 5, 2018.