Dorothea Duda

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Dorothea Duda (born December 15, 1951 in Peiskretscham ) is a German specialist in anesthesiology . Until 2017, she was chief physician at the Clinic for Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine at the Catholic Clinic Mainz (academic teaching hospital of the University of Mainz). Duda is best known for her research into anaphylactic / allergic reactions during anesthesia.


Duda went to school in Dinslaken , graduated from high school there in 1971 and studied medicine at the Philipps University of Marburg (1971–1977). After completing her doctorate and licensing as a doctor, she began her specialist training at the Fulda Clinic in 1978 . In 1982 she graduated as a specialist in anesthesia and was initially senior physician at the clinic for anesthesia at the municipal clinics in Fulda (teaching hospital of the University of Marburg). In 1984 Duda switched to the Clinic for Anaesthesiology at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz , where she worked as a deputy senior physician until 1990. In 1990 she was appointed senior physician. In 1989 she took over the clinical management of the "Mainz-Marburg Study", which researched in cooperation with the Institute for Theoretical Surgery in Marburg / Lahn under the direction of Wilfried Lorenz on the prophylaxis of histamine-associated reactions during anesthesia . Duda completed his habilitation in 1996 on the subject of "Histamine-associated cardio-respiratory disorders during the preoperative phase of anesthesia: incidence, clinical relevance and the effectiveness of prophylaxis with H1- H2 receptor antagonists ". In 2004 she was appointed Associate Professor. From 1999 to 2017 Duda was the chief physician at the Clinic for Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine at the Catholic Clinic Mainz, academic teaching hospital of the University of Mainz.

Scientific contribution

Duda's scientific and clinical interest was not limited to cardio-respiratory reactions and the effectiveness of prophylaxis with the antihistamines dimetindene and cimetidine during the preoperative phase of anesthesia. Rather, it was also about the interdisciplinary importance of unspecific histamine releases, e.g. B. during eventeration in abdominal aortic aneurysm operations or in esophageal resection . Another concern of Dudas was the reduction of the PONV (postoperative nausea and vomiting) incidence through prenarcotic antihistamine prophylaxis. One of their clinical observations led to the fact that today regional anesthesia sets contain filter straws / cannulas for drawing up the anesthetics in order to avoid contamination / clogging of pain catheter systems.

Memberships in scientific associations (selection)

Duda is a member of numerous scientific associations:

  • 1st Deputy State Chairwoman of the German Society for Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine in Rhineland Palatinate (since 2006)
  • Member of the "European Histamine Research Society" (1992)
  • Member of the "Lucerne Sepsis Study Group" (1995)
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the "Contrast Medium Study" of the Department of Radiation Diagnostics at the Philipps University, Marburg (1995)
  • Collaboration with the AWMF - 2014 guideline on acute therapy and management of anaphylaxis.

honors and awards


Individual evidence

  1. a b Vita, Prof. Dr. med. Dorothea Duda. Catholic Clinic Mainz, accessed on July 9, 2017 .
  2. D. Duda, W. Lorenz, H. Menke, B. Stinner, C. Hasse, C. Nies, U.Schäfer, H.Sitter, T. Junginger, M Rothmund: Perioperative nonspecific histamine release: a new classification by aetiologigal mechanisms and evaluation of their clinical relevance. In: Ann Fr Anesth Reanim. 1993; 12 (2): 147-65.
  3. ^ I. Celik, D. Duda, B. Stinner, K. Kimura, W. Lorenz: Early and late histamine release induced by albumin, hetastarch and polygeline: some unexpected findings. In: Inflammation Res 2003 Oct; 52 (10): 408-16.
  4. D. Duda, W. Lorenz, I. Celik: Mesenteric traction syndrome during the operation of aneurysms of the abdominal aorta: histamine release and prophylaxis with antihistaminics. In: Anaesthesiol Reanim. 2003; 28 (4): 97-103.
  5. D. Duda, F Krummenauer, G. Ay, I. Celik: Incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) after general pre-anesthetic prophylaxis with antihistamines, In: Inflamm Res. 2004 Mar; 53 Suppl1: S91-2. Epub 2004 Mar 5.
  6. D. Duda: Glass particles blocked peridural catheter filter already indicated for the test dose? In: Regional-Anesthesie 1990 (13) 186-7.