Doug Mettome

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Doug Mettome ( Douglas Full ) (* 19th March 1925 in Salt Lake City ; † 17th February 1964 ) was an American jazz - trumpet player of Swing and Modern Jazz .

Mettome first learned the piano from 1930 to 1936 and switched to the trumpet at the age of eleven. First he played in Salt Lake City with local orchestras, including his own 12-man band. After his military service he worked in Billy Eckstine's band from 1946/47 , then from 1948 to 1952 with Herbie Fields , 1949 with Benny Goodman , 1951/52 with Woody Herman , 1953 with Tommy Dorsey , 1954 with Pete Rugolo , then with Johnny Richards and again with the Dorsey Brothers until the end of the band. In the early 1960s, Mettome was active in New York City , and in 1963 with his own quartet. He has also been involved in recordings by Allen Eager , Jimmy Gourley , Urbie Green , Woody Herman, Sam Most , Chico O'Farrill , Nat Pierce ; as a member of Neal Hefti's orchestra , he accompanied Charlie Parker on his big band recordings for Verve in the 1950s .

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