Douglas Joseph Warren

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Douglas Joseph Warren (born March 21, 1919 in Canowindra , † February 6, 2013 ) was Bishop of Wilcannia-Forbes .


Douglas Joseph Warren was on 20 December 1942 by Pietro Cardinal Fumasoni Biondi for priests ordained the diocese Wilcannia-Forbes. He was awarded a Doctor of Divinity (DD) doctorate. He was Vicar General of the Diocese of Wilcannia-Forbes.

Warren was founded on June 16, 1964 by Pope Paul VI. appointed auxiliary bishop in Wilcannia-Forbes and titular bishop of Aquae Novae in Numidia . The Archbishop of Sydney Norman Thomas Cardinal Gilroy consecrated him on July 27 of the same year as bishop; Co- consecrators were Bernard Denis Stewart , Bishop of Sandhurst , and Bryan Gallagher , Bishop of Port Pirie .

Pope Paul VI appointed him on September 26, 1967 Bishop of Wilcannia-Forbes. On March 30, 1994, Pope John Paul II accepted his age-related resignation.

At the time of his death, he was the oldest Catholic bishop in Australia.

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predecessor Office successor
Thomas Martin Fox Bishop of Wilcannia-Forbes
Barry Francis Collins