Dresden Education Summit

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The Dresden Education Summit was an educational policy event that took place on October 22, 2008 in Dresden .

At this event, Angela Merkel announced a target of 8.9 percent to ten percent of the German gross domestic product for national expenditure on education and research. The federal and state representatives decided to implement this as part of a qualification initiative.

The resolutions in detail

The following measures should be financed with the additional expenditure:

In the preschool area intensive by 2012 should language training of foreign parents to ensure children. This should be flanked by integration courses for parents. In addition, 80,000 educators and day care mothers should be trained to look after children up to three years old . The number of school dropouts should be halved from eight to four percent by 2015, and the number of young people without vocational training should be reduced from 17 to 8.5%.

Overall, the educational system should be made more permeable and common standards for the Abitur exams in German, mathematics and foreign languages ​​should be drawn up across countries by 2011, and also for the natural sciences by 2013.

In the higher education sector, the nationwide rate of new students should be increased to an average of 40 percent of a year, the recognition of degrees at foreign universities should be made easier and an incentive system should be created to interest more students in the subjects of mathematics, computer science, natural and technical sciences.

In the field of further training, the participation of the employed in further training should be increased to 50% (as of 2006: 43%)

A working group was set up to work out funding proposals, which should be drawn up by the annual conference of prime ministers at the end of October 2009. In particular, countries should voluntarily use the savings from falling student numbers to improve education.

Further development

On behalf of the German Trade Union Federation (DGB), four expert reports have since been published which were supposed to critically review the implementation of the objectives, most recently the “Education Summit Balance 2014” by the Essen-based education researcher Klaus Klemm . Due to a small request to the federal government by the MPs Özcan Mutlu , Kai Gehring , Beate Walter-Rosenheimer , other MPs and the Bündnis90 / Die Grünen parliamentary group, the federal government responded by letter of March 12, 2015.

See also

Web links