Scented spikes

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Scented spikes
Black scented stinging (Phellodon niger)

Black scented stinging
( Phellodon niger )

Subdivision : Agaricomycotina
Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : insecure position (incertae sedis)
Order : Warty mushrooms (Thelephorales)
Family : Weißsporstachelingsverwandte (Bankeraceae)
Genre : Scented spikes
Scientific name
P. Karst.

The phellodon ( Phellodon ) is a fungal genus of the family of Weißsporstachelingsverwandten .

The type species is the black scented thorn ( P. niger ).


Macroscopic features

The fragrant spikes often form stalked fruiting bodies that are fused into groups on the ground . The hat has a velvety to scaly surface and a whitish to black-brown color. The underside is covered with awl-shaped spines that are gray in color with age. The spore powder is white. The meat is either consistently tough, corky and woody or has a spongy, felty texture on the outside and a fibrous, tough to woody texture on the inside (duplex structure). The Trama has a zoning and smells distinctly of Maggi or lovage .

Microscopic features

The hyphae structure is monomitic. The septa have no buckles . Cystidia are absent. The slender lobed basidia are 4-spore and have no basal buckles. The almost spherical to elliptical spores are colorless, decorated with spikes and show no iodine color reaction .


The scent thorns form a mycorrhiza with various forest trees .


Half a dozen species occur in Europe or can be expected there:

Scented thorns ( Phellodon ) in Europe
German name Scientific name Author quote
Phellodon atratus KA Harrison 1964
Strong-smelling stinging fragrance Phellodon confluens (Persoon 1825) Pouzar 1956
Black and white scent stinging Phellodon connatus (Schultz 1806: Fries 1821) P. Karsten 1881
Black fragrant sting Phellodon niger (Fries 1815: Fries 1821) P. Karsten 1881
Phellodon secretus Niemelä & Kinnunen 2003
Cup-shaped fragrance spike Phellodon tomentosus (Linnaeus 1753: Fries 1821) Banker 1906


Individual evidence

  1. Elias Magnus Fries : Hydnum nigrum . In: Observationes mycologicae  1 . 1815. pp. 134-135.
  2. ^ Petter Adolf Karsten : Enumeratio Boletinearum et Polyporearum Fennicarum, systemate novo dispositarum . In: Revue mycologique, Toulouse  3 (9). 1881. p. 19.
  3. ^ A b c German Josef Krieglsteiner (Ed.): Die Großpilze Baden-Württemberg . Volume 1: General Part. Stand mushrooms: jelly, bark, prick and pore mushrooms. Ulmer, Stuttgart 2000, ISBN 3-8001-3528-0 , pp. 388-389.
  4. ^ A b Walter Jülich: The non-leaf mushrooms. Gelatinous mushrooms and belly mushrooms . Small cryptogam flora, Vol. II b / 1. VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena 1984. pp. 262-263.
  5. Eric Strittmatter: The genus Sarcodon . On: Mushroom Taxa Database. April 26, 2007. Retrieved July 11, 2011.

Web links

Commons : Phellodon  - collection of images, videos and audio files