Duvensee Group

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As Duvensee group is a culture of Mesolithic denotes the v of about 7000 to 6000th (Possibly also 5800 BC) lasted. It was named in 1925 by the Hamburg prehistorian Gustav Schwantes after the location Duvenseer Moor near Duvensee in the ( Duchy of Lauenburg district ) in Schleswig-Holstein . The Duvensee group was widespread in Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg and parts of Brandenburg.

The oldest arches found so far in Germany come from this culture ( Friesack (Havelland district, Brandenburg)). Next there were bony spearheads in High Viecheln (nordwestmecklenburg) in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and in Friesack. Around 800 such spearheads were found at each of these two sites.

The oldest surviving bird arrow with a thickened, pointed head end was found near Tribsees ( district of Vorpommern-Rügen ) in Vorpommern . Very large, up to 15 cm long fishhooks made from the bones of large mammals and deer antlers were also found, as well as fish traps made from long, woven whips and fragments of nets. In a grave found in 1846 and assigned to the Duvensee Group near Plau am See , a deer antler ax was found as a grave gift.

Individual evidence

  1. Ernst Probst: Germany in the Stone Age. Bertelsmann 1991

See also


  • Daniela Holst: Hazelnut economy of early Holocene hunteregatherers: a case study from Mesolithic Duvensee, northern Germany. Journal of Archaeological Science 37, 2010, 2871-2880.
  • Daniela Holst: On the development of early Mesolithic artefact production: Handicraft tradition and use of the landscape at Duvensee. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 38, 2008, 457–476.
  • Daniela Holst: A single nut doesn't rattle in the sack: Subsistence strategies in the Mesolithic . Announcements of the Society for Prehistory 18, 2009, 11–38.
  • Klaus Bokelmann: Duvensee, a place of residence of the Mesolithic in Schleswig-Holstein, and the Duvensee group. OFFA 28, 1971, 5-26.
  • Klaus Bokelmann: Mesolithic living spaces in the Duvenseer Moor. In: Guide to archaeological monuments in Germany 2. District of the Duchy of Lauenburg 2. Stuttgart 1983, 93-103.
  • Klaus Bokelmann: Rest under trees. An ephemeral Mesolithic camp site from the Duvenseer Moor. Offa, 43, 1986, 149-163.
  • Klaus Bokelmann: A Mesolithic pine bark mat from the Duvenseer Moor. Offa 46, 1989, 17-22.
  • Klaus Bokelmann: Duvensee, Wohnplatz 9. A pre-Boreal-age camp in Schleswig-Holstein. Offa 48, 1991, 75-114.