Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety

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The European Parliament Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety ( Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety , ENVI ) is a committee of the European Parliament . The committee chairman has been Pascal Canfin ( LREM / RE ) since July 2019 .

The committee is responsible for environmental policy , in particular for climate protection , the fight against environmental pollution , sustainable development , international environmental agreements, protection of the population from environmental damage and cooperation between the European Parliament and the European Environment Agency . In the area of public health, he deals with pharmaceutical and cosmetic products and with preventive healthcare against bioterrorism and maintains relations with the European Medicines Agency and the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control , the two competent agencies of the European Commission . In the area of food law, the committee deals in particular with the legal regulations for the production of food and with consumer information on food.

After the committee had little importance in the 1990s and was considered the "Cinderella Committee", it has since developed into one of the most important committees of the European Parliament. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that the European Union has extensive competencies in the field of environmental and consumer protection. On the other hand, and above all, Parliament now has extensive powers in this area thanks to the co-decision procedure and, alongside the Council of the European Union, is equally involved in the EU legislative process. In addition, environmental issues have become more important in politics since the turn of the millennium, for example due to the growing awareness of global warming . In the 2004-09 legislative period, Parliament's own Temporary Committee was set up to deal exclusively with climate change; after the European elections in 2009 , however, this responsibility returned to the Environment Committee.

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Individual evidence

  1. Parliament's committees-elect chairs and vice-chairs | News | European Parliament. July 10, 2019, accessed on July 18, 2019 .