Eberhard II von Varendorff

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Eberhard II von Varendorf (f) (* 1268 probably on the Varenthorpe Curia near Ibbenbüren ; † 1303 at Sutthausen Castle ) was an Osnabrück knight and ministerial as well as Burgmann zu Iburg . He built the castle Sutthausen and lay it with the city of Osnabrück in feud .


Today's Gut Sutthausen

Eberhard II von Varendorff came from the Westphalian knight family of the Lords of Varendorff . He was probably born around 1268 on Gut Varenthorp near Ibbenbüren in the former county of Tecklenburg . His father was Gerhard II von Varendorff, a knight and gentleman on Varenthorp, and Burgmann zu Iburg and Reckhenberg . Eberhard II von Varendorff was married to Bertardis von Korff . In 1280 he tied the at Osnabrück location Good Sutthausen against the will of the city wall and moat and built by a firm castle close to the city limits. Then who was the city magistrate in Bishop Konrad von Osnabrück representations, of the city due Provided feud services was obliged to support. In return for the help provided, the bishop therefore assured on May 13, 1283, that the construction of the castle would be halted and, in extreme cases, that he would pull himself against Sutthausen . Despite this announcement, the construction of Sutthausen was finally finished. However, when two opponents of Eberhard von Varendorff, the nobleman Giselbert von Brunkhorst and a Count von Dale, were in the city around the year 1300, a dispute broke out that intensified the conflict with the citizens of Osnabrück . The victims demanded satisfaction from the city, whose hospitality they had taken advantage of, and so troops from Osnabrück marched against Sutthausen and besieged the Varendorff castle in front of its gates. When Eberhard II von Varendorff found out about this, he immediately called the befriended Count von der Mark and Knight Bernhard von Davensberg and their loyal followers to help and thus prevented a storming of the castle. The city of Osnabrück had to break off its siege without success. The feud over Sutthausen Castle was over. Eberhard died a few years later on Sutthausen, which then passed on to his eldest son Eberhard III. von Varendorff and finally to his brother Amelung I. von Varendorff .


  • Christian Hoffmann: Knightly nobility in the clerical principality. Osnabrück 1996
  • Genealogical handbook of the nobility , CA Starke Verlag , Adelige Häuser, Volume 15, Limburg (Lahn) 1957
  • Rudolf v. Bruch: Knight seats of the Principality of Osnabrück. Osnabrück 1930
  • J. Stüve, J. Jaeger: History of the bishopric Osnabrück. Volume 1, Jena 1853.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels , Volume 15, p. 478.
  2. a b c d e f g h i Rudolf v. Bruch: Knight Seats of the Principality of Osnabrück, p. 80.
  3. J. Stüve, J. Jaeger: History of the Hochstift Osnabrück, Volume 1, p. 125.