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The Counts of Eberstein-Naugard were a Pomeranian noble family who, as Counts of Eberstein, lords of the Land zu Naugard from the 13th to the 17th century, owned the county of Naugard , a subordinate rule in the area of ​​the diocese of Cammin in Pomerania.


The founder of the Pomeranian family, Otto von Eberstein, who came from the Lower Saxon branch of the Eversteiners , was first mentioned in Pomerania in 1274. By Bishop Hermann von Gleichen , his mother's brother, he was in 1274 with the castle and the stains of Pomerania and 700 hooves mortgaged land. The descendants of Otto von Eberstein granted Naugard town charter in 1309.

In their history, the Eberstein Counts led several feuds against other Pomeranian noble families. A feud of Naugarder Count Ludwig and Albrecht with Dinnies from the East and his son Ewald to possessions in Plathe was built between 1479 and 1480 by Duke Bogislaw X. settled.

From 1481 the land of Massow was in pledge possession of the Naugard counts. In 1523 Bogislaw X enfeoffed Count George I with the land and the city of Massow.

The Naugard counts unreservedly supported the policies of their liege lords, the Camminer bishops, and like them mostly approached the Brandenburg margraves . In 1472 the young Count Ludwig von Eberstein was appointed "postulatus" of the diocese of Cammin. Since the bishop appointed by the Pope did not appear in the monastery, Ludwig administered the diocese until 1479. The 1518 confirmation of Count Wolfgang von Eberstein as coadjutor of the diocese was reversed at the instigation of Bogislaw X.

With Ludwig Christoph von Eberstein, the sex died out on December 3, 1663 in the male line . In 1665 Ernst Bogislaw von Croy was enfeoffed with the county of Naugard . After his death in 1684 the county became a Brandenburg-Prussian domain office.



Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gustav Kratz: The cities of the province of Pomerania . Pp. 267-268 .
  2. ^ Gustav Kratz: The cities of the province of Pomerania . Pp. 297-298.
  3. ^ Gustav Kratz: The cities of the province of Pomerania . Pp. 263-264 .