Echinocereus viridiflorus

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Echinocereus viridiflorus
Echinocereus viridiflorus.jpg

Echinocereus viridiflorus

Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Cactus family (Cactaceae)
Subfamily : Cactoideae
Tribe : Pachycereeae
Genre : Echinocereus
Type : Echinocereus viridiflorus
Scientific name
Echinocereus viridiflorus

Echinocereus viridiflorus is a species of plant in the genus Echinocereus from the cactus family(Cactaceae). Thespecific epithet viridiflorus comes from Latin and means 'green-flowered'. Common names are "Brown-Flowered Hedgehog", "Brown-Spined Hedgehog", "Golden-Spine Hedgehog Cactus", "Green-Flowered Torch Cactus" and "Green Hedgehog".


Echinocereus viridiflorus grows solitary with upright shoots . They are spherical to egg-shaped, sometimes elongated or cylindrical in shape, 1.2 to 12.5 centimeters high and have a diameter of 1 to 5 centimeters. The 6 to 18  ribs are clearly humped. The up to four red, cream-colored or brown central spines are up to 2.5 inches long. The 8 to 24 radial spines are also red, cream-colored or brown and up to 1.8 centimeters long.

The flowers appear along the sides of the shoot. They are usually wide open, funnel-shaped and green to yellow-green. They become 2.5 to 3.0 inches long and large in diameter. The fruits are spherical, green and heavily thorny.

Distribution, systematics and endangerment

Echinocereus viridiflorus is widespread in the US states of South Dakota , Wyoming , Colorado , Kansas , New Mexico , Oklahoma, and Texas, as well as in the neighboring Mexican states of Coahuila and Chihuahua .

The first description was in 1848 by George Engelmann . A synonym is Echinocactus viridiflorus (Engelm.) Pritzel (1866).

The following subspecies are distinguished:

  • Echinocereus viridiflorus subsp. chloranthus (Engelm.) NPTaylor :
    The first description was in 1859 as Cereus chloranthus by George Engelmann. Nigel Paul Taylor included it as a subspecies to Echinocereus viridiflorus in 1997 . Other synonyms are Echinocereus chloranthus (Engelm.) Hort. FAHaage (1859), Echinocereus viridiflorus var. Chloranthus (Engelm.) Backeb. (1960), Echinocereus viridiflorus f. chloranthus (Engelm.) Krainz (1967) and Echinocereus chloranthus subsp. neocapillus (Less) Fürsch (1993, nom. invalid ICBN -Article 33.3; 34.1).
  • Echinocereus viridiflorus subsp. correllii (LDBenson) W.Blum & Mich.Lange :
    The first description was in 1969 as Echinocereus viridiflorus var. correllii by Lyman David Benson . Wolfgang Blum and Michael Lange presented the variety in 1998 as a subspecies to Echinocereus viridiflorus .
  • Echinocereus viridiflorus subsp. cylindricus (Engelm.) NPTaylor :
    The first description was in 1856 as Cereus viridiflorus var. cylindricus by George Engelmann. Nigel Paul Taylor included it as a subspecies to Echinocereus viridiflorus in 1997 . Further synonyms are Echinocereus viridiflorus var. Cylindricus (Engelm.) Rümpl. (1885), Echinocereus chloranthus var. Cylindricus (Engelm.) NPTayl. (1984), Echinocereus chloranthus subsp. cylindricus (Engelm.) W.Blum & Mich . Lange (1998) and Echinocereus viridiflorus var. tubulosus (JMCoulter) Heller (1900).
  • Echinocereus viridiflorus subsp. davisii (ADHoughton) NPTaylor :
    The first description was in 1931 as Echinocereus davisii by Arthur Duvernoix Houghton (1870-1938). Nigel Paul Taylor included it as a subspecies to Echinocereus viridiflorus in 1997 . Further synonyms are Echinocereus viridiflorus var. Davisii (ADHoughton) WTMarshall (1941) and Echinocereus viridiflorus f. davisii (ADHoughton) Krainz (1967).
  • Echinocereus viridiflorus subsp. viridiflorus :
    Further synonyms are Echinocereus standleyi Britton & Rose (1922) and Echinocereus viridiflorus var. standleyi (Britton & Rose) Less (1970, nom. inval. ICBN -Article 33.3).

In the Red List of Threatened Species of the IUCN , the species is listed as " Least Concern (LC) ". H. listed as not endangered.



  • Edward F. Anderson : The Great Cactus Lexicon . 2nd Edition. Eugen Ulmer KG, Stuttgart 2011, ISBN 978-3-8001-5964-2 , pp. 211-212 .
  • Ulises Guzmán, Salvador Arias, Patricia Dávila: Catálogo de cactáceas mexicanas . Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City 2003, ISBN 970-9000-20-9 , pp. 80 .

Individual evidence

  1. Engelmann: In: A. Wislizenus: Memoir of a Tour to Northern Mexico: connected with Col. Doniphan's expedition, in 1846 and 1847 . Washington 1848, p. 91 (online) .
  2. Cactaceae of the Boundary. In: United States and Mexican Boundary Survey, under the Order of Lietu. Col. WH Emory, Major First Cavalry, and United States Commissioner . Volume 2, Part 1, Cornelius Wendell, Washington 1859, p. 29 (online) .
  3. a b c Taylor: Cactaceae Consensus Initiatives . Volume 3, 1997, p. 10.
  4. ^ Cactus and Succulent Journal . Volume 41, Los Angeles 1969, p. 128.
  5. ^ W. Blum et al .: Echinocereus (preprint) . 1998, p. 10.
  6. ^ Synopsis of the Cactaceae of the Territory of the United States and Adjacent Regions . Metcalf, Cambridge 1856, p. 22 (online) .
  7. ^ Cactus and Succulent Journal . Volume 2, Los Angeles 1931, p. 466.
  8. Echinocereus viridiflorus in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2013.2. Posted by: Heil, K., Terry, M. & Corral-Díaz, R., 2009. Retrieved January 24, 2014.

Web links

Commons : Echinocereus viridiflorus  - album with pictures, videos and audio files