Corner field

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Eckenfeld (also Ockenfeld ) is a submerged village in what is now Bad Berleburg in the Siegen-Wittgenstein district in North Rhine-Westphalia . Eckenfeld belonged to the parish of Diedenshausen .


The desert is halfway between the Garsbach and the Rübengrund .


The village is mentioned for the first time in 1324 with Wigand von Ekevelde as aldermen of Battenberg . His son Gerlach von Eckenfeld appeared as a lay judge in Battenberg from 1345. The village had its own chapel - capella Ockenfelden . As with the towns of Borhausen , Bubenhausen and Hopperghausen , the knights of Diedenshausen appear again in connection with Eckenfeld. In 1395 Gerlach von Diedenshausen sold his entire share in the village to Brosken von Viermünden .

Earlier names

  • 1324 - Ekevelde
  • 1345 - Ekenfeld
  • 1356 - Eckenfelt
  • 1384 - Eckinfelden
  • 1395 - Eckefeldenn
  • 1583 - Eckenveldt
  • 1591 - Eckenfeldt


  • Albrecht Eckhardt : Upper Hessian monasteries, registers and documents. Volume 2 (Monasteries of the City of Marburg and Wetter Abbey) , Marburg 1967.
  • Eckhart G. Franz : Haina Monastery. Regesta and certificates. Second volume, first half. Marburg, 1970.
  • Günther Wrede : Territorial history of the County of Wittgenstein , 1927.
  • Lars Womelsdorf: Contributions to the history of the village Alertshausen