Eddie Dekel

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Eddie Dekel (also: Eddie Dekel-Tabak ; born September 28, 1958 in New York City ) is an American economist . He is Professor of Economics at Northwestern University and Tel Aviv University . His main research interests include game and decision theory .


Eddie Dekel, who was born in New York, studied economics and statistics at Tel Aviv University from 1978 , where he graduated in 1981 with a Bachelor of Arts . He then returned to the United States and studied economics at Harvard University for another four years, so that in 1986 he obtained his Ph.D. received. After completing his doctorate , Dekel moved to the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), where he was an assistant professor from 1988 to 1993 . In 1990 he became a research fellow of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation ( Sloan Research Fellow ). In July 1993 he received a full professorship, but left UCLA two months later when he accepted a professorship at Northwestern University in Illinois in September 1993 . Dekel has held this position to this day, although he has also held a professorship at Tel Aviv University in Israel since 1997 and changes semesters between the two universities.

Scientific work

Dekel mainly deals with sub-areas of microeconomics , game and decision theory , in particular with mechanism design theory . He also wrote articles in the field of the new political economy , for example on voting behavior and buying votes. He was also the editor of Econometrica , one of the leading economic journals.

So far, Dekel has published over 40 scientific articles.


Dekel has been a member of the Econometric Society since 1998 and presides over it as President in 2016. He is also a founding member of the Game Theory Society , which was founded in 1999, and was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2008.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Eddie Dekel - CV. sites.google.com/site/eddiedekelsite, May 2016, accessed August 11, 2016 .
  2. 2015 Election of Officers and Council. econometricsociety.org, November 9, 2015, accessed August 11, 2016 .