Edmond de Talleyrand-Périgord

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Coat of arms of Count Talleyrand-Périgord

Edmond de Talleyrand-Périgord (born August 1, 1787 in Paris , France , † May 14, 1872 in Florence , Italy ), 2nd Duc de Talleyrand, 2nd Duca de Dino, was a French maréchal de camp and lieutenant-général .


He was the nephew of the Napoleonic Foreign Minister Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand and son of Count Archambaud de Talleyrand-Périgord (1762-1838) and Countess Madeleine Olivier de Senozan de Viriville (1764-1794).

Dorothea, Edmond's wife

Talleyrand entered a marriage of convenience on April 21, 1809 in Frankfurt am Main with the wealthy Dorothea , Princess of Courland and Semgallia , Duchess of Dino in Calabria (from 1817), Duchess of Talleyrand (from 1838) and Duchess of Sagan (from 1843). She was the illegitimate daughter of Count Alexander Batowski and the Duchess Dorothea of ​​Courland , whose husband Peter von Biron , last Duke of Courland and Zemgale, recognized the child as his.

His uncle, Foreign Minister Talleyrand, had previously looked for a good match for his nephew. In France he could not achieve anything because Napoleon I had reserved all the appropriate French heiresses to his own devoted nobility and Talleyrand was no longer in the emperor's favor in 1807 after his resignation as foreign minister. On the occasion of the Erfurt Princely Congress in 1808, he therefore approached the Russian Tsar Alexander I with a request to mediate a marriage between his nephew Edmond and Dorothea von Kurland , who also helped him out of gratitude for diplomatic services. The consent of the bride's mother, the Duchess of Courland, was considered certain, as the payment of her annual allowance was dependent on good conduct towards Russia. She was also on friendly terms with Talleyrand.

The couple had children Napoléon-Louis (1811–1898), Dorothée (1812–1814), Alexandre (1813–1894) and Pauline (1820–1890). Talleyrand's granddaughter, the Salonière Marie von Radziwiłł, comes from the connection between Pauline and Marquis Henri de Castellane .

Married life was actually over as early as 1812, but the two did not separate until March 1816. Dorothea, meanwhile lover of the 62-year-old and 40 years older Uncle Talleyrand, moved into his house and after his death in 1838 even became his universal heiress. The official divorce from husband Edmond did not take place until 1824.


In 1812 Edmond de Talleyrand received a regiment in Brescia ( northern Italy ).

On September 19, 1813, he was a colonel and French troops commander during the liberation war in the battle of Mühlberg on the Elbe ( Brandenburg ) with its three Chasseur regiments ( Hunter - regiments ) from Major General Leopold Wilhelm von Dobschütz beaten (1763-1836) and captured.

In October 1823 he was lieutenant general .

Web links

Commons : Edmond de Talleyrand-Périgord  - Collection of images, videos and audio files