Edmund Dorer

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Edmund Dorer (born June 15, 1831 in Baden , Canton Aargau , † May 5, 1890 in Dresden ) was a Swiss poet , translator and Hispanist .


Edmund Dorer, son of the politician and writer Eduard Dorer-Egloff and brother of the sculptor Robert Dorer, studied philosophy in Munich , Leipzig and Berlin . In 1860 and 1861 he traveled to Spain and studied Spanish literature. He then translated Spanish poems. From 1870 until his death he lived in Dresden. In 1881 he received the poetry prize of the Real Academia Española in Madrid.

Of Dorer's own poems, his Christmas song is still known to a larger audience today.

Works (selection)

  • The Lope de Vega literature in Germany. Bibliographical overview , Zurich 1877
  • Cervantes and his works according to German judgments , Leipzig, 1881
  • Contributions to Calderon Literature , Dresden 1884
  • Edmund Dorer's Nachgelassene Schriften , ed. v. Adolf Friedrich Graf von Schack, Dresden 1893


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