Edmund Reismann (politician, 1881)

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Reismann (right) at the side of Mayor Seitz at the opening of the Reismannhof in 1926

Edmund Reismann (born August 14, 1881 in Vienna , † December 28, 1942 in the Auschwitz concentration camp ) was an Austrian social democratic politician.


Edmund Reismann was the son of a small iron trader in Vienna. He was active in the Socialist Party at an early age and was local group chairman of the metal workers. From 1919 to 1934 he was elected to the Vienna City Council, where he was particularly involved in educational and social policy. Reismann founded the libraries in Vienna- Meidling , headed the welfare office in Meidling and participated in the housing program of the city of Vienna.

Reismann was temporarily arrested as early as 1933. In February 1934 he emigrated to Brno , but returned to Vienna, where he was sentenced to five months' arrest. In October 1938 he was arrested again and taken to the Buchenwald concentration camp . From there he was transferred to Auschwitz, where he died in 1942.

In 1949, the Reismannhof residential complex in his home district of Meidling was named in his honor.

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