Eduard Lambert

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Eduard Lambert (* 19th century ; † April 5 or April 6, 1896 in Gobabis , German South West Africa ) was the third and last captain of the Lambert-Nama ( Kaiǀkhauan ), a clan of the Orlam - Nama , in today's Namibia .

He took over the office of captain in 1894 after the execution of his brother Andreas Lambert by Theodor Leutwein . In 1896 Lambert joined Kahimemua Nguvauva, the leader of the Ovambanderu, in the fight against the protection force for German Southwest Africa , supported by the Witboois . Lambert fell in battle in Gobabis . This meant the end of the clan.


  1. Note: This article contains characters from the alphabet of the Khoisan languages spoken in southern Africa . The display contains characters of the click letters ǀ , ǁ , ǂ and ǃ . For more information on the pronunciation of long or nasal vowels or certain clicks , see e.g. B. under Khoekhoegowab .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Curt von François : German South West Africa: From the colonization to the outbreak of the war with Witbooi. Unikum Verlag, original edition April 1893, ISBN 9783845722801 , p. 114.
  2. Klaus Dierks : Biographies of Namibian Personalities, L . Retrieved May 6, 2020.
  3. ^ Klaus Dierks : Chronology, 1896 . Retrieved May 6, 2020.
predecessor Office successor
Andreas Lambert Kaptein der Lambert-Nama ( Kapsteine der Nama )