Edwin Adolar Klein

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Edwin Adolar Klein (born July 15, 1874 in Königsberg , † March 19, 1944 in Wiedenbrück ) was a German politician and district administrator.

Origin and family

Edwin Adolar Klein was born as the son of the married couple Oskar Robert Klein (businessman) and Antonie Marie Steffler and came from an old East Prussian family that produced civil servants and clergymen over many generations. On January 5, 1904, he married Berta Post, daughter of the factory owner Carl Johann Post and his wife Auguste Amalie Elbers, in Hagen. The marriage had three children.

Professional background

After graduating from the Altstädtischer Gymnasium in Königsberg he studied at the University of Königsberg law and insisted on 28 December 1896 before the Court of Appeal Konigsberg the state examination with the result "good". He worked at the local courts in Gerdauen and Fischhausen and the regional court in Königsberg before he was employed as a government trainee on January 17, 1899. As early as June 10, 1899, the young trainee lawyer was the representative of District Administrator Dr. Schröter. In the following year he was entrusted with the administration of the municipal conductor and police administrator of the city of Seeburg and in October 1900 he moved to Heilsberg in the same capacity . He was transferred to the Koenigsberg district government in order to continue his studies at the university. On January 23, 1901, he applied for admission to the Great State Examination , which he did not pass until after his transfer to Westphalia on January 18, 1902 in Arnsberg with the result “sufficient”. On February 8, 1902, the Minister of the Interior ordered the transfer to the Hagen district for the purpose of providing assistance to District Administrator Paul Hartmann . He stayed in this office until June 28, 1905, when he was transferred to the Arnsberg district government . There he became deputy chairman of the arbitration tribunal for workers' insurance. Later he was head of department for local police matters. On August 8, 1909, Klein took over the provisional administration of the Wiedenbrück District Office for District Administrator Wilhelm Heinrich Maria Engelhard , who had been transferred to Trier . On February 21, 1910, Kaiser Wilhelm II signed the certificate of appointment that Edwin Adolar Klein appointed as District Administrator of the Wiedenbrück district with effect from March 1, 1910 . On May 1, 1933, Klein became a member of the NSDAP . He was also a member of the SA until the beginning of January 1937 , where he reached the rank of Rottenführer. He retired on September 30, 1939, but only for one day, because his designated successor did not take up his post. Due to the war, Klein's term of office lasted until his death on March 19, 1944.

Klein was a member of the provincial parliament and deputy board member of the Prussian district council as well as a member of the supervisory board of various municipal companies. He was also a member of the Association of Prussian District Councilors.


  • Joachim Lilla : Senior administrative officials and functionaries in Westphalia and Lippe (1918–1945 / 46). Biographical manual. Aschendorff, Münster 2004, ISBN 3-402-06799-4 , pp. 193-194.
  • Series of publications: Monograph of the district of Wiedenbrück, Die Landräte des Kreises Wiedenbrück from 1816 - 1972, by Heinz Renk

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Series of publications: Monograph des Kreis Wiedenbrück, Die Landräte des Kreis Wiedenbrück from 1816 - 1972, by Heinz Renk, p. 85.
  2. Joachim Lilla: Senior administrative officials and functionaries in Westphalia and Lippe (1918–1945 / 46). Biographisches Handbuch , Münster 2004, p. 194