Eise Eisinga

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Eise Eisinga, painting by Willem Bartel van der Kooi (1827)
Remembering Eise Eisinga in Franeker

Eise Jelteszn Eisinga (born February 21, 1744 in Dronryp ; † August 27, 1828 ) was a Dutch wool comb . He made himself a name gifted , self-taught amateur - astronomer and author of writings on mathematics and on issues of astronomy .


Eisinga is the builder of the planetarium named after him . The planetarium only includes the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, because Uranus and Neptune had not yet been discovered when it was completed. It is the oldest working model of the solar system .

Eisinga built it in Franeker from 1774 to 1781. In 1774 a mass panic broke out in the Netherlands that the planets would be lined up in that year and that there would be cosmic collisions. Eisinga wanted to allay these concerns.

In 1859 the Dutch state donated the planetarium to the city of Franeker .



  • Piter Terpstra: clouds are stjerren. Roman oer Eise Eisinga . Friese Pers, Leeuwarden 1994, ISBN 90-330-0237-X (Frisian).
  • JM de Ridder: Eise Eisinga and his planetarium . In: Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage , Vol. 5, 2002, No. 1, pp. 65–87, bibcode : 2002JAHH .... 5 ... 65M (English)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Royal Eise Eisinga Planetarium . S. 20 .