Elbe Shipping Commission
The Elbe Shipping Commission was set up as a result of the Congress of Vienna by the Elbe states Austria (for the Kingdom of Bohemia ), Saxony , Prussia , the Duchies of Anhalt , Hanover , the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin with Mecklenburg-Strelitz , Hamburg and Denmark (for the Duchies of Holstein and Lauenburg ) Commission for the regulation of shipping on the Elbe . She started her work in Dresden in 1819 .
The commission worked out the Elbe Shipping Act of June 21, 1821, which was intended to abolish the numerous Elbe tariffs that hindered shipping . These Elbe shipping regulations were revised several times, for example by the additional act of April 13, 1844. The 1867 conversion of the North German Confederation founded in 1866 into a federal state and its expansion and renaming to the German Reich in 1871 made the work of the Elbe shipping commission and Elbe shipping revision commissions superfluous , since the Elbe shipping could now largely be regulated within the German federal state.
Also as a result of the Congress of Vienna, the Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine was founded, which began its work in Mainz in 1816 .