Ellen Daub

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Ellen Daub (real first name: Katherina ) - married. Noack , previously married. König (born May 2, 1900 in Düsseldorf , † November 11, 1965 in Darmstadt ) was a German actress .

life and work

In 1924 Richard Weichert appointed her to the Frankfurt theater . She made her debut as Katherina in Frank Wedekind's drama Der Liebestrank . At first she specialized in modern roles in plays by Luigi Pirandello , Georg Kaiser and Walter Hasenclever . Later she preferred to appear in classical roles. At the first Römerberg Festival in 1932, she played Adelheid in Goethe's Urgötz and Margarethe von Parma in Egmont . In 1933 she took on the role of Johanna in Schiller's Jungfrau von Orleans . In 1935 she gave it to Gretchen in Goethe's Faust .

For her 25th stage anniversary in 1949 she played Elisabeth in Maria Stuart . In 1961 she withdrew into private life. She was married to the actor Max Noack for the second time . Ellen Daub died in Darmstadt in 1965. Her grave is in the Darmstadt forest cemetery .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Grave site L-4b-37 (urn grave, wall 4b), Daub, Ellen (1900–1965)