Elopichthys bambusa

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Elopichthys bambusa
Желтощёк (Elopichthys bambusa) .JPG

Elopichthys bambusa

without rank: Otophysa
Order : Carp-like (Cypriniformes)
Subordination : Carp fish-like (Cyprinoidei)
Family : Xenocyprididae
Genre : Elopichthys
Type : Elopichthys bambusa
Scientific name
Elopichthys bambusa
( Richardson , 1845)

Elopichthys bambusa , engl. Yellowcheek Carp , Kanyu or Predatory Carp, Chinese 鳡 鱼, Russian. Желтощек Zheltoschek, is a large predatory carp species that is found only in East Asia.


The Yellowcheek Carp occurs in large rivers in eastern China, canton China such as the Amur , Yellow River or Yangtze River . The species is also found in Manchuria and south-eastern Siberia . In Vietnam there are supposed to be populations of it, in Uzbekistan it was introduced.


The Yellowcheek Carp is an elongated, streamlined predatory fish with a silvery bluish greenish, sometimes gold-colored, iridescent flanks and a striking yellow spot below the eyes. The mouth is relatively large and has many small teeth. The fish can be up to two meters long and weigh 40 kilograms, a Yellowcheek Carp caught on a fishing rod from Jiangxi Province weighed 42.5 kilograms, in China specimens up to 70 kilograms were caught commercially. At sexual maturity the fish are about 80 centimeters long.

Way of life

The Yellowcheek Carp prefers waters in the temperate climate zone with water temperatures of 10 to 20 ° C and a pH value of 7.0 to 7.5. Yellowcheek Carps prefer to hunt below rapids, at river mouths, on sandbanks and transitions from calm to faster currents. The diet of the Yellowcheek Carp in Liang-Tze Lake in Hubei Province in central China was investigated. It was found that the Yellowcheek Carp has adjusted to a very specific range of prey fish, the most common prey fish species was Erythroculter mongolicus . It was also found that the big carp poses no threat to the typical fish species in the Chinese pond economy .


Elopichthys bambusa is the only species in the genus Elopichthys . Leuciscus bambusa , Gymnognathus harmandi , and Nasus dahuricus are synonyms that are no longer used today.


The Yellowcheek Carp is used as an edible fish and a popular sport fish among predatory fish anglers. Its existence is considered threatened.

Web links

Commons : Elopichthys bambusa  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Elopichthys bambusa on Fishbase.org (English)
  2. ^ Fishing World Records
  3. On the Food and Feeding Habits of Elopichtys bambusa in Liang-Tzse Lake at http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-SSWX195903002.htm
  4. Khalid Abbas, Xiaoyun Zhou, Yang Li, Zexia Gao and Weimin Wang: Microsatellite diversity and population genetic structure of yellowcheek, Elopichthys bambusa (Cyprinidae) in the Yangtze River doi : 10.1016 / j.bse.2010.08.003
  5. http://flyfishingrussia.blogspot.com/2009/03/yellowcheek-elopichthys-bambusa.html


  1. Translation: Yellow-cheeked carp
  2. Translation: predatory carp and predatory carp