Emericus Quincken

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Emericus Quincken OSB (* 1639 in Schmallenberg ; † September 18, 1707 ) was abbot of the Grafschaft monastery .


Emericus Quincken was born in Schmallenberg in 1639. His ancestors were the notary, town clerk and Schmallenberg mayor Peter Quincken and the notary and Schmallenberg town clerk Eberhard Quincken. After he had made his profession in 1656 in the Grafschaft monastery, he was ordained a priest on December 20, 1664 . 18 years later, on June 9, 1682, he was elected abbot of the monastery. Emericus Quincken succeeded Abbot Godfried Richardi . Before that he was pastor for over nine years.

Abbot Emericus Quincken had a great influence within the Benedictine abbeys united in the Bursfeld congregation . He was also held in high regard by the Electors Max Heinrich and Josef Clemens . Quincken was appointed to visit other monasteries by the general capital several times. He inspected the monasteries Aegidii , Groß Ammensleben , Brenkhausen , Corvey , Hermensleben, Hildesheim , Huysburg , Ringelheim , Überwasser and Vinnenberg .

During a visit to the Corvey Monastery, which Quincken carried out with Abbot Nikolaus von Zitzewitz of the Huysburg Monastery , disputes arose between Prince Abbot Christopher and the capitulators who were appointed. During the inspection, these demanded the abandonment of the erratic way of life, the demolition of an elaborate monastery building, a pleasure garden and a vineyard belonging to the monastery. When the prince abbot refused, Quincken, after consulting with the capital house, got the military from Höxter and had the vineyard and the Söller destroyed. With this measure he created admiration among the neighboring dioceses and received the applause of the capitulators.

In 1687, to the annoyance of Emericus Quincken, the Corveyer Fürstenstab postponed compliance with the visitation protocol. In 1690 this was the subject of a hearing at the annual chapter in Deutz . The congregation elected Quincken as co-president and definitor for the first time at this meeting. Quincken was elected definitor twice in 1696 and 1706, and probably a second time co-president in 1700.

The abbot was not idle at home either. Probably in 1694 he took over the administration of the parish Brunskappel again . At his instigation, the Chronicle of the Grafschaft monastery was created in 1697 with the Monumenta monasterii Graffschektivenis . Emericus Quincken died on September 18, 1707. He was buried in the choir of the monastery church. In the contemporary register of abbots and monks it was said: "He was a highly praised abbot and was respected and venerated by the rulers and princes."


  • Josef Wiegel: Emericus Quincken - an important Grafschafter abbot from Schmallenberg . In: Schmallenberger Heimatblätter, 39th / 40th edition, December 1974, p. 19 ff.

Individual evidence

  1. Friedrich Albert Groeteken : Die ecclesial conditions Schmallenberg in the course of the centuries , p. 16, reprint in Schmallenberger Heimatblätter, 57th edition, December 1990
  2. Lea Steinrücke, Michael Hermes: Directory of the abbots and monks of the St. Alexander monastery in Grafschaft (1598-1853) . In: Südwestfalenarchiv, 2004 p. 40
predecessor Office successor
Godfried Richardi Abbot of Grafschaft monastery
Beda Weller