Emil Ungar

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Emil Ungar (born September 3, 1849 in Bonn ; † April 13, 1934 there ) was a German pediatrician and forensic doctor.


Born into a Jewish family, Ungar began studying medicine at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn . On September 3, 1868 , he renounced Rhenania Bonn , his father's corps . When he was inactive , he moved to the Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg and later to the Friedrich Wilhelms University of Berlin . 1874 in Bonn as Dr. med. after receiving his doctorate , he worked for two years at the Alfried Krupp Hospital in Essen . In 1876 he returned to Bonn. At the polyclinic he completed his habilitation in forensic medicine and paediatrics in 1883. Associate professor since 1887 , he also became an unskilled worker in the medical college of the Koblenz administrative district during the three emperor's year . It was in 1912 an honorary professor and in 1920, in the Weimar Republic , Professor . In the medical college of the government in Koblenz he was also a member of the forensic medical committee until 1929. In 1933 he celebrated his golden anniversary as a lecturer. Ungar was one of the founders of the German Society for Forensic and Social Medicine . With his wife Anna née Noether he had three daughters and a son, who also became Rhenane from Bonn.

Collaboration on manuals

  • Forensic medicine , Berlin 1905
  • Forensic and police medical technology , Wiesbaden 1914



  • Albin Haberda, Emil Unger: Festschrift for Emil Unger: on his 80th birthday. Springer, Berlin 1929.
  • Johanna Preuss, B. Madea: Emil Ungar (1849–1934) - pediatrician and coroner in Bonn . Rechtsmedizin 12 (2002), pp. 325-327, doi: 10.1007 / s00194-002-0166-2

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 12/541.
  2. a b c d Register of the Rhenania Bonn