Emmanuel-David Bourgeois

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Emmanuel-David Bourgeois (born January 1, 1803 in Yverdon-les-Bains , † December 3, 1865 in Grandson , resident in Corcelettes , Grandson, Yverdon-les-Bains and Bonvillars ) was a Swiss politician .


After taking lessons from Dean Samuel Gottlieb Zehender in Gottstatt , Bourgeois studied philosophy at the Geneva Academy in 1820 and became a squire in Corcelettes .

First worked as governor in the Grandson district from 1836 to 1847 , he sat on the Grand Council of the Canton of Vaud from 1849 to 1851 , as well as on the Council of States . From 1851 to 1854 he took a seat in the National Council . In July 1851 and from February 1853 to spring 1855 he was federal commissioner in the canton of Ticino .

In 1847 he commanded the Vaudois troops in the Sonderbund War and a division in the Neuchâtel trade from 1856.

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