Emmanuel Miller

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Emmanuel Miller , fully Emmanuel Clément Bénigne (born April 19, 1812 in Paris , † January 9, 1886 in Nice ) was a French Graecist , Byzantinist and paleographer .

Miller was a student of Karl Benedikt Hase at the École des langues orientales , especially in palaeography . From 1833 he was employed in the Cabinet des manuscrits of the Bibliothèque Royale in the department for Greek manuscripts, from 1850 he was librarian of the Chambre des Députés. From 1876 to 1886 he held Hase's chair for modern Greek at the École des langues orientales. He was followed by Émile Legrand and then Ioannis Psycharis . On May 29, 1860 he was accepted into the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres . From 1866/67 he was an honorary member of the Greek Philological Society in Constantinople .

Miller worked primarily in the fields of codicology and paleography . For this purpose he made various trips to Greece , to Mount Athos and his monastery Vatopedi , to the Escorial in Spain and to Russia . In June 1864 Miller made significant discoveries of monuments and inscriptions that were brought to the Louvre during excavations on the island of Thasos in the area of ​​the ancient city . He also benefited from the finds that Minoides Mynas made on his travels. This included a manuscript that Miller recognized as the first of the three still missing books of the early Christian writing Philosophumena , which he assigned to Origen , albeit wrongly, as it later turned out. He dedicated further text editions to the Byzantine poets Manuel Philes , Theodoros Prodromos and Leontios Machairas (the last in collaboration with the Greek scholar Konstantin Sathas , the penultimate together with Émile Legrand ) and he and his teacher Hase were involved in the edition of the Recueil des historiens des croisades involved. In addition, he dealt extensively with the dating of manuscripts of the New Testament . A supplement to the Thesaurus Graecae Linguae , which he had created from reading Greek texts, remained unpublished . With Joseph Adolphe Aubenas he founded the Revue de bibliographie analytique , a review magazine, in 1840 . In keeping with the nationalism of his time, he accused the publishing house Firmin-Didot of an anti-French stance when the German classical philologist Karl Müller took over his duties in the publishing house after the death of Johann Friedrich Dübner .

Fonts (selection)

Text editions

  • Éloge de la Chevelure, Discours inédit d'un Auteur Grec Anonyme en Réfutation du Discours de Synésius, intitulé Éloge de la Calvitié, publié d'après un manuscrit grec de la Bibliothèque Royale. Paris 1840, online .
  • Origenis Philosophumena sive omnium haeresium refutatio . E codice Parisino nunc primum edidit Emmanuel Miller. Oxford 1851.
  • Manuelis Philae Carmina. Ex codicibus Escurialensibus, Florentinis, Parisinis et Vaticanis nunc primum edidit E. Miller. Paris 1855-1857.
  • Recueil des historiens des croisades, I: Scriptores graeci bellorum a Francis Dei signa sequentibus in Syria susceptorum. Publiés par Carl Benedict Hase, Charles Alexandre, Emmanuel Clément Miller. Paris 1875.
  • with Émile Legrand: Trois poèmes vulgaires de Théodore Prodrome. Publiés pour la première fois, avec une traduction française par E. Miller et É. Legrand. Paris 1875.
  • Λεοντίου Μαχαίρα Χρονικόν Κύπρου - Chronique de Chypre . Texts grec by E. Miller and C. Sathas . Ernest Leroux, Éditeur, Paris 1882 (Publications de l ' École Nationale des Langues Orientales Vivantes , IIe série, Volme 2), (online) .


  • Catalog des manuscrits grecs de la bibliothèque de l'Escurial . Paris 1848, online .
  • Mélanges de Littérature Grecque contenant un grand nombre de textes inédits. Paris 1867, online .
  • Ambassades de Michel Psellus auprès de l'usurpateur Isaac Comnène . F. Didot frerès, fils et cie, Paris 1867.
  • Un poète de la cour des Comnènes . Didot, Paris 1874. - (via Theodoros Prodromos)
  • Bibliothèque royale de Madrid. Catalog des manuscrits grecs (supplément au catalog d'Iriarte). Impr.nationale, Paris 1884.
  • Le Mont Athos, Vatopédi, l'ile de Thasos. Avec une notice sur la vie et les travaux de M. Emm. Miller par le M.is de Queux de Saint-Hilaire. Leroux, Paris 1889. - (published posthumously)

Bibliographical periodical

  • (Ed., With Joseph Adolphe Aubenas): Revue de bibliographie analytique 1, 1840 - 5, 1844 (short presentation Bibliothèque de l'école des chartes 1.1, 1840, p. 406 online ; 1, 1840 online ; 2, 1841 online ; 3 , 1842 online ; 4, 1843; 5, 1844 online ).


  • Gaston Paris : Éloge funèbre de M. Emmanuel Miller, membre de l'Académie , in: Comptes-rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 1886, pp. 8-12, online .
  • Auguste-Henry-Edouard de Queux de Saint-Hilaire: Notice sur la vie et les travaux de M. Emm. Miller . In: Emmanuel Miller: Le Mont Athos, Vatopédi, l'ile de Thasos . Leroux, Paris 1889.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. SUDOC gives 1810 as the year of birth , but Gaston Paris 1812: Éloge funèbre de M. Emmanuel Miller, membre de l'Académie , in: Comptes-rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 1886, p. 11; there also p. 9 Cannes as place of death.
  2. Cf. Henri Omont : Minoide Mynas et ses missions en Orient (1840-1855), in: Mémoires de l'Acadèmie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 40, 1916, pp. 337-419.