Recommendations for cycling facilities

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Basic data
title Recommendations for cycling facilities
abbreviation ERA
editor FGSV
number 284
scope of application Cycling facilities
Latest issue 2010
Previous edition 1995
First edition 1982, at that time as recommendations for the planning, design and operation of bicycle traffic facilities

The recommendations for bicycle traffic facilities ( ERA for short ) are a set of technical rules applicable in Germany for the planning, design and operation of bicycle traffic facilities . The ERA are published by the Research Association for Roads and Transport in Cologne. In some federal states, the application of the ERA 2010 is a mandatory requirement for financial support , for example in Baden-Württemberg and North Rhine-Westphalia . The ERA have not been introduced nationwide, but have been introduced in North Rhine-Westphalia, Brandenburg , Saxony-Anhalt and Berlinand Baden-Württemberg., also meanwhile in Hamburg . Due to the reference in the General Administrative Regulations for Road Traffic Regulations VwV-StVO to the ERA and as a result of case law, the ERA are recognized as the state of the art and are generally binding by planners and authorities when it comes to systems for cycling.


The recommendations for bicycle traffic facilities reflect the current state of the art in Germany. They are - according to the Administrative Court Göttingen - "a recognized professional rules, which is used as a supplementary in the decision [...]." Since September 1, 2009, the administrative regulation for road traffic regulations explicitly to the ERA "in the current version" back. Public clients in Germany (federal government, states, districts and municipalities) usually require that this set of rules be used for the planning and construction of bicycle traffic facilities. The expert assessment of plans is also based on the ERA.


The recommendations for cycling facilities from 2010 are divided into twelve sections. The scope is defined in the introduction. Sections one and two deal with the bicycle traffic concept and the design principles. In the third section, forms of guidance on main roads in the city are explained. The presentation of cycle traffic routing at junctions is then given in section four. Information on crossing facilities and bicycle traffic in access roads are given in sections five and six. Instructions on how bicycle traffic can be guided in the opposite direction when entering one-way streets and in pedestrian areas are given in sections seven and eight. Section nine deals with bicycle traffic on country roads and the following section ten shows independently guided cycle paths. In section eleven, the construction and operation are considered and, finally, in the twelfth section, an effectiveness control and quality assurance are carried out. In the appendix, further explanations of details are given, for example the selection of suitable bicycle traffic facilities depending on criteria such as vehicle load, available widths, the number of nodes, this with the help of a point system.

The core of the technical regulations relating to cycling are the recommendations for cycling facilities; the National Cycling Plan states :

“Under the above-mentioned conditions, the technical regulations provide a suitable basis for planning safe forms of cycling and ensure that cycling is of adequate quality. Important basic principles are:

  • Sufficient and roadworthy dimensioning of the individual design elements,
  • Ensuring visual contact between road users,
  • no exclusion of problem areas,
  • Ensuring safety and fluidity of traffic within the framework of the design,
  • Consideration of the interests of pedestrians,
  • Guarantee of the unity of construction and operation, also with the bicycle traffic facilities. "


The current edition from 2010 replaces the previous version from 1995 and the information on the signage of bicycle traffic facilities according to the General Administrative Regulations for Road Traffic Regulations , 1998 edition. Previous editions were the six-page provisional guidelines on the construction of cycle paths. Developed by the “Traffic Regulation” committee of the Study Society for Automobile Road Construction (StufA) from 1928. After the StufA was renamed the Research Society for Roads (FGS), another publication appeared in 1934 under the same title. After the war, the FGSV did not publish an amended version of the Provisional Guidelines until 1962, and it was not until 1982 that the first version of the recommendations for planning, design and operation of bicycle traffic facilities appeared .

See also


  • Peter Gwiasda u. a .: Recommendations for cycling facilities . FGSV (ed.). FGSV Verlag, Cologne 2010. ISBN 978-3-941790-63-6 . FGSV number 284.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Overview of ERA on ( Memento from February 24, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
  2. Introductory letter NRW dated June 10, 2011, on the ADFC NRW website
  3. Brandenburg: Guidelines for the construction of city streets (PDF) from May 16, 2013, ERA is "to be observed"
  4. ^ Sources for introductory decrees in NRW, McPomm, Berlin, Saxony-Anhalt at
  5. New standards for bicycle traffic facilities. Baden-Württemberg introduces binding recommendations for bicycle traffic facilities. In: fahrradland-bw. NVBW - Nahverkehrsgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg mbH, September 20, 2016, accessed on October 15, 2016 .
  6. ^ Hamburg: Alliance for bicycle traffic. Agreement dated June 23, 2016, on, page 8: "The ERA are to be introduced in Hamburg as part of the new regulations in road systems (ReStra)." The ReStra is introduced.
  7. Peter Gwiasda u. a .: Recommendations for cycling facilities . FGSV (ed.). FGSV Verlag, Cologne 2010. ISBN 978-3-941790-63-6 . FGSV number 284. Inside of the back cover.
  8. ^ Göttingen Administrative Court , judgments of November 27, 2003, 1 A 1196/01 and 1 A 1228/01 , accessed on April 8, 2010.
  9. Administrative regulation for the road traffic regulations , to § 2 paragraph 4 sentence 2, I. 5. Paragraph 13
  10. ^ ADFC NRW: State Ministry of Transport introduces ERA 2010 . June 29, 2011. Retrieved July 24, 2011.
  11. Ministry of Economics, Energy, Building, Housing and Transport of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia: Introductory Decree on the Recommendations for Bicycle Traffic Facilities, 2010 edition (ERA 2010) (PDF file; 30 kB) . Decree VII A 4 - 86.19-51 of June 10, 2011. Accessed July 24, 2011.
  12. German Institute for Urban Studies : Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and North Rhine-Westphalia have introduced binding "Recommendations for Bicycle Traffic Systems" (ERA) . July 3, 2011, accessed July 24, 2011.
  13. ADFC: Recommendations for bicycle traffic facilities . Retrieved March 13, 2012.
  14. Example of an expert opinion ( Memento from May 23, 2005 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF file; 41 kB)
  15. a b National Cycling Plan 2020. (PDF; 6 MB) Developing cycling together. Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development , October 2012, p. 24 , accessed on October 16, 2016 .
  16. Peter Gwiasda u. a .: Recommendations for cycling facilities . FGSV (ed.). FGSV Verlag, Cologne 2010. ISBN 978-3-941790-63-6 . FGSV number 284. Page 2.
  17. Overview on Google Books
  18. ^ Peter Gwiasda: Bicycle traffic systems in Germany